Chapter 24

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Emma's POV

Where am I?
That's the very first question I asked myself when I opened my eyes.

Not the darkness where I can't see anything, but just like a dark room where you couldn't make the difference between the floor and the wall.  As I pulled myself up from the floor, I asked myself the second question.

What happened?
Maxwell. Mates. Blackout. Where is he? I have to find him!

I stood up and started walking around. As I looked around me, all I could see was darkness. Nothing but darkness.

"Hello!" I yelled. Echoes resonated in response.
"Anyone here?" I tried louder. Still, no response except for the echoes.

Where am I? I thought again. How did I end up here and how do I get out?

A female voice echoed back as it spoke,
"You're finally quiet."

"Who are you!" I asked. Whoever this person is, she must know what is going here.

"Stop yelling, Emma."

"How do you know my name?"
If I wasn't scared before, now I'm terrified.

"I don't just know your name, I know a lot more than that. I know who your mate is. What is really happening here?... Why is it happening? Tell me, Emma, What do you want most." The voice eerily sang the last part.

"I want to get out here," I answered as calmly as I could. I will do anything to get out of here and go to where my family is now. Where are they? Are they even alive? They must be, and they also must be looking for me right now.

"Oh stop it. I haven't killed them. At least not yet. How much are you willing to sacrifice to get out of here?"

"What do you mean not yet? Who are you and what did you do to my family!" I was now yelling hysterically.

"I mean what I said and stop crying! You may call me Raven. I'm here for revenge against those who wronged me and took what was once mine."

"I don't know what you are talking about, okay? Whatever you're looking for, we can look for it together. Please, let me go to my family, I can persuade them to help you too. Please, they need me."

"Need you? How ridiculous, little Emma. No one needs you." A swirl of wisteria coloured mist appeared in front of me by a couple of feet to disappear again and a woman came into my sight in its place. She was a semi-tall beautiful woman with purple eyes. Her black silk like hair reached the middle of her back. As I started fondling with my dress's fabric, she smirked, her purple eyes were dead as she stared at me; she looked at me as if she was waiting for the right time to catch my soul.

"Only those who really need you are your children which, you haven't had, yet. Don't worry, one day you will. Being a mother is a fascinating thing, I promise."

"What are you talking about?" Was all I could croak. This woman must be crazy, I have to get out of here. I want to go to my family!

"You will understand, soon. You know, you are like me. Well at least, the old me..." Her dead purple eyes darkened as she looked at me with what I might say pity.

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