Chapter 23

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                               Alexia's POV

"Can I have your name?" Noah asked.

"Why? Don't you already have one?" Emma answered him, her voice full of irritation.

"You look like a dream." He tried again for the hundredth time today.

"Then go back to sleep." She answered him again as she grabbed a few nail posh bottles,

"Alexia, green, red or blue with my yellow dress?" She shook the bottles.

"Red." I yawned, I was dying to sleep, why are they coming again?

"Because Landon asked Maxwell for help." She happily sighed. Is she in love with him?

"Did I say it out load?" They both gave me a duh-look.

"Okay, so Alexia, Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but don't stop this time." We heard him growl.

"Welcome aboard captain." I sarcastically said as Noah had a hard time running from his angry brother. This guy is very possessive...

"Okay, I'm ready! Landon, leave the poor kid alone." Emma announced as she stood up, twirling as she checked her appearance again.

"Why are you even dressed up?"

"Clearly because Maxwell is coming!"

"Em, you know that he has a mate and-" Noah was about to continue when she cut him off.

"Don't." She gave him a look that screamed broken.

"Are they here?" I asked Landon, cutting the silence.

"Yeah, at the borders. They will probably be tired so we'll just have lunch and talk tomorrow." He announced. Thankfully, I won't have to tolerate the alpha's Luna. She wasn't the most pleasant company.

"They?" Emma trailed.

"Mara accompanied him." Landon gave her the last puzzle piece which turned the air around her sour.

"Great..." she almost whined. I gave the two boys a cue to leave us. When they closed the door behind them, she held her bottom lip between her teeth. Just as they started to tremble, a tear began trailing down her right cheek. When I took her in a hug, she started sobbing,

"I really don't know why I keep feeling sad and angry every time I hear about them being mates!" Her voice cracked.

"Emma...He's not yours."

"I know." She continued crying. I was muted. How can I help her when all I knew was running? I kept silent, all I could hear was my breathing and her heavy sobs.
Eventually, her weeping died down. She went to wash her face then applied more makeup; an attempt to keep her complexion normal in front of the others.

We went down to welcome the guests. Maxwell was as handsome as he was at the party. His black hair was neatly cut and his dark brown eyes held mischief. Like his hair, his clothes were also flawless; he wore a black shirt which matched his pants.
Mara had a smile plastered to her face. Her long silky black hair complemented her pretty lilac dress. A tiny bit almost non-existent cleavage showed a shiny wolf-shaped necklace dangling there.

As the greeting was made, I know that for one, Maxwell is like a brother to both Landon and Noah. Two, Emma is dying to slaughter Mara. Her hands almost started to shook as she held them as fists from the beginning till the end. She was glaring at Mara when Landon started laughing with Maxwell as they told jokes or whatever they were talking about. 
If Emma needed assistance to kill her, I wouldn't hesitate. Landon told me earlier that the she-wolf knew Landon personally for two years, but when she hugged him...I realize that Landon won't cheat on me ever and is only treating her as his younger sister, yet looking at her laughing with him makes my blood boil.

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