5 Traitor

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A/N ok wtf is happening. This is suppose to be chapter 4, but instead it's 5. Please read chapter 4 first. Wattpad what are you doing? 😩

**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

Will Giovanni Luciano find my parents? If he does find them, which won't happen I hope, I'm going to be so fucked up. I wanted to escape. I wanted to talk to my parents that I loved and missed so much. But I couldn't because Giovanni hired a fucking bodyguard to watch over the front doors so I couldn't escape? What kind of fuckery am I getting into?

It's been two weeks since I've tried to escape and I grew a pretty good friendship with Antonio. He was unfriendly and closed up at first, but then he warmed up and we talked a lot. I knew he had developed some sort of feelings for me, the way he talked or smiled when he saw me, made it obvious.

There's one thing that I know for sure. I am a great fucking actress and I came up with a plan.


The following week went smoothly but my hatred for Mr. Dickhead was still there.

My "friendship" with Antonio grew as he'd flirt with me everyday. I flirtered back only to see Giovanni's jaw clench and tighten. I would mentally high-five myself.

I started to clean the house with the few other maids. For now, I only knew Margot and Lily, but both of them said that there are two or three more. The chores weren't hard. They were the same things I did as a fourteen year old.

I overheard Giovanni's conversation with Antonio. I only got out of it when Antonio arrives. And he usually comes here at 5 a.m. So I only need to wake up at 4.30 a.m. Pack my things and get the hell out. Perfect. Right?


When Antonio and I were the only one's left in the kitchen I decided to talk to him about my plan. I knew that it was stupid, but what do I have to lose? It's not like he'll kill me, if he will kill me, he'll get himself killed by my brother.

I explained everything and to Antonio and he agreed. "Wait really?" I asked in shock.

"Yes." He nodded

"Just like that?" I raised both of my eyebrows.

"Just like that." he said with a small smile.

Antonio had dark brown hair which reached his jawline. Brown eyes and tanned skin. He was nice but not my type.

You can do this. That's it, tomorrow I'm planning on escaping this shithole.

I packed my things in a bag that Margot got me and set it beside my bed. It was only 9 p.m. I stood up and walked towards the mirror.

Can I really do this? Yes, yes of course I can. Where did the brave and tough girl go? That's the question I've been asking myself lately.

Not bothered by anyone I went to sleep and set my alarm to 4.30a.m.

When I woke up it was still a bit dark but the sun was starting to rise.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed. Nervously, I opened the door of my room and got out into the hallway.

My heart started to race like crazy knowing that Giovanni is going to be pissed and he will still find me somewhere. But his opinion didn't matter, did it?

I rushed down the stairs very quietly and saw Antonio waiting by the door patiently.

I got down and we exchanged looks. We didn't talk ,just nodded and headed out the door. Got into the car and drove into the city where my parents lived.

I couldn't believe that it could be this easy getting out. All we had to do was to get in the workers car and drive right out of the opened, large gate. It really was a shocker to me, to a crime lord I expected guards standing in every corner.

When I moved out at 19 I didn't see them much because they were "busy" with their jobs. I was busy aswell with my studies, and because of that our family bonding was dissapearing.

I knew what my parents were doing, I know what work they do and I know who Giovanni Luciano is.

I was angry yet relieved knowing that now I'm going to start living a normal life again. The whole car ride I was anxious and my palms were sweaty. I was nervous about everything. I was nervous about the fact that Giovanni really needed my parents names. Like hell I'll give them to him. Of course, I was freaking out about how will I explain to my family about this whole 'kidnapping and somehow getting out' situation. It didn't make any sense.

When I saw us nearing towards the big gate of the house I exhaled a big breath of air. In a long time I was actually very excited to see my family.

"Thanks Antonio, I owe you one" I smiled at him as he gave me a small yet comforting kiss on my forehead. He gave me a smile and I got out of the car.

His look turned into a sad one before he spoke up, "Be careful" Was the last thing I heard from him before he drove off.

It was almost 6a.m. which meant that my parents are going to wake up soon.

I climbed over the gates, so the system wouldn't be alerted by a family member barging in at the early morning, and went to the front door. I rang the bell almost 3 times until it finally opened.

My sister Kate stood there in shock. "Alessandra?" She asked with wide eyes but still sleepy.

"That's me" I anwsered smiling and we pulled into a bear hug.

"I called you a lot. Why weren't you answering?" She mumbled when we pulled back.

"I know, uh my phone stopped working. I came here to talk to mom and dad actually..." I tried not to sound so suspicious as I am.

"Perfect timing! I'm making breakfast" She queeled "Come inside." I came inside and the bacon smell filled my nostrils. Just as I was about to sit down, dad came out of nowhere.

"Hey, Alessandra, I need you to come to my office." Dad said very serious and sternly to me, before walking to his office, with me following him. So much for saying 'Hi'.

I heard Kate snort in the distance, "Good luck!" I smiled slightly at her comment as we carried on walking into his office.

"Hi, dad. Hi, Alessandra, how have you been? Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking." I mocked him when we first entered his office.

"What have you been doing for the past month?" He sounded very serious.

"I was working, my phone broke and I could't call you. I'm sorry" I said almost shaking. I could lie to anyone easily, but to my parents not. I found both of them, but mostly dad, very intimidating, and I just couldn't bring myself to it. I didn't like and want to lie to the people who saved my life.

"I know where you were" I was speechless. I mentally face palmed myself and sighed when I looked at him. Ok, I take it back that I'm a good actress.

"Yeah, I was working."

A small grin appeared on his face, "Antonio told me."

"Pardon?" Are you kidding me! I certanly didn't want my family finding out about it and worrying about me. Antonio...you're in deap shit, "Whatever, it's not important-" I started but dad cut me off.

"This is really important. You should be thankful for us for hiding your face for years. If he knew... If he knew who you were, you would be laying in a pool of your own blood. Actually, no, you would be hanging in your own blood, half alive. I know him, I know what he does and how he does it and he is the kind of person you should not mess with. So, please. Be careful. " He sighed.

"Breakfast is ready!" Kate shouted from the kitchen. I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Do not tell them yet, they don't need to know" I said quietly. I didn't even look back at him and walked right out.


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