55 Love and War

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

It's been twenty hours since we landed in Italy and Giovanni had his surgery. I'm not sure how he survived. It's a miracle, really. It's crazy and everything is my fault. If I just haven't believed Lev...

Everyone arrived a few hours later. Five to be exact. Lucifer, Giovanni's father, was more than furious. Christ, he almost strangled me, whilst Sophia slapped his head.

To take my anger and sadness out, I beated up the man in the cell. Not with my hands, with a bat, a brick, a stick, anything really, just to do small damage.

I got out of my bloodied and ripped in all wrong places dress. I took my smeered makeup off, the blood off my face too. Eventually, I took a shower, the blood was all over me. I changed into Sophia's clothes that I found in her suitcase, apparently they have been with the Luciano's in Italy for a few days. I was now wearing some beige sweats and a white oversized t shirt.

I was now standing outside the room Giovanni is put in. I slowly and hesitantly opened the door, creating a small crack sound.

"What are you doing?" Lucifer's voice echoed through the hall and I shut the door.

I turned to him. "I want to check up on him."

"Like hell you do. You won't go anywhere near him. He risked his life for you, and why? You think that I will let you go anywhere near my son after I've seen what you did to that man in the cell? No, you won't go anywhere within ten meters." He shaked his head.

"I can't go near your son?" I snapped instantly. "I will. You should be the only one who shouldn't tell me what to do. I mean," I chuckled. "You were the one who ordered my parents get killed, right? You shouldn't even be breathing the same air as me." I narrowed my eyes. "And believe me, more damage to that man has yet to come, you won't even recognise him the second time I go down there." With a final word, I opened the door and walked right in.

Giovanni was laying on a hospital bed. His chest was now lifting up and down normaly. I let out a shaky breath. I am so greatful that he is fine. I closed the door gently and silently walked over to him. Giovanni was scooted over to the side of the bed and all I wanted to do was to lay down beside him, but I shouldn't.

The temptation got the best of me and I slowly and hesitantly laid next to him. I carefully placed myself on the side, facing him. Needles were stuck in his arms and the monitors were beeping. A yellow manilla folder was placed on the night stand. I took it and opened it. I read the writen information over and over again. It wrote that his heart stopped beating once during the surgery.

I choked out a tear. His heart stopped beating once. It stopped fighting for Gio's life. When I looked down at him, he was sleeping gracefully. His breathing was shallow, his chest rised up and down with every breath.

"I want to kiss you," I threw the manila folder on the night stand. "So badly..." I placed my hand softly on his cheek. "But I can't, not yet atleast." A tear rolled down my cheek. "I can't let you get hurt, I really can't... I can't afford it. If you get hurt again physically or mentally, it will be all on me. I don't even know why I'm crying right now, a few years ago I thought that all of my tears were used up." I trumbled and my voice started to break." It's not a goodbye. I know that you think it isn't right, but it's fucking with my head and it's like I'm losing sanity all over again. I know it's going to hurt for both of us, it will take time. Nothing heals the heart break, only time can fix it. It'll be okay. You're a lover, hunter, friend, enemy, killer, devil, you're all of those things to me... And that's why I love you. " I whispered and I paced my head on his shoulders, trying to have some sleep in 34 sleepless hours.

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