42 The Lion's Den

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

The first few days in Italy were hell. I barely slept, the girls and I barely talked and now we had more work to do, due to the camera on the fucking apple. Kate was the one doing most of the work. She was examining the small camera and checking the security cameras inside and outside the house. But we got nothing. Kate checked the camera's memory card but there wasn't any footage in it, except the one where Kate and Sophia were throwing the apple. Whoever is doing this is leaving us with no clue. We spied on the guards and maids, but yet again. Nothing. The groceries orders were always private. Maids select items and order them, when everything is packed and shit, people come and pick it up. That's it. I thought about the workers who were the ones prepairing the food items, but I'm still not sure.

It's really fucking frustrated.

I sent Gio a happy birthday text on January 10th and... HE LEFT ME ON FUCKING READ. I could have sworn I almost smashed my phone into the wall. I absolutely hate when people leave me on read. Why the hell can't you write a short 'thanks ' or whatever, it's still a lot better than 'read 10.28p.m.' like what the fuck. Sophia, my savior came into the rescue and well.... tied me to a chair, because I almost beat the shit out of five men and my lovely little sister, Kate. She did some weird meditation/therapy thing to calm me down, which worked really good.

The hard training and spying continued through out the days. Morning jogs and day training everyday. There was no such thing as 'rest hours'. Because if we're not working out, then we're working on the rat thing, and if we're not doing that, we sleep, eat, or talk. Our schedule was so tight, I almost forgot about the up coming event in five days. In my packed schedule I managed to get our makeup and hair stylists to an agreement that they would come and do everything last minute. Stress would be an understatement of what I am feeling right now.

I walked to my balcony and sat down on a comfortable chair, I leaned back and lit up a cigarette. I usually never smoke, unless I am way too stressed, and well that explains everything. Taking a drag, I watched the nature. The mountains were far away, making them almost invisible. I watched our back yard being guarded. Inbetween trees and rose bushes stood tall, bulky armed men. Most of them with g-36 attached to their bodies.

The cold winter wind blew through my wavy hair, slightly ruffeling it. Inhaling and exhaling the smoke I thought about everything. The plan, the mole, who is the mole and for who is he/she working. Hundreds of questions flooded my brain. Will everything go smoothly? What if we get caught? What if the dons figure it out what is happening? If the rat is working for someone who will be at the event? If someone notices us as not the Genovese sisters will they just expose us ir kill us right then and there? Ugh, I hate how much I overthink things.

Calm down, Alessandra. Everything will be okay.

"Don't you dare to chicken out now." A voice said. My head snapped towards the voice and saw Sophia, sitting in her balcony attached to her room. She was sitting in a chair like mine, next to her table. She was drinking?

"Why the fuck are you drinking? It's like ten in the morning?" I asked.

"I drink, because I want to drink. Alright?" She said and raised her glass full of whiskey.

"What happened?" I asked as I turned my chair towards her.

"I think me and your brother broke up?" She said before bringing her glass to her lips and drinking it. After a few gulps, the glass was empty.

"Shit, " I mumbled "Hm, so who broke up with who?"

"That piece of shit cheated on me!" She yelled and bought the bottle to her lips.

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