20 Leaving

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

I woke up in a bright room, my room. It took me a few blinks to adjust to the light. I tried getting up but my head hurt so bad, it felt like it was smashed into the wall multiple times. My body felt sore and my throat was dry.

"Alessa?" Sophia whispered while walking towards me. "Here's some water." She handed me a tall glass of water with a straw.

"Thanks.." I said as I took a sip of water through a straw. "Wha...What happend?" I groaned.

"You don't remember anything, do you?" She sat down on the chair beside me.

"Well I only remember when a man came up to me and started to drag me somewhere, I guess and you know, me being, well me, I digged in my purse... My purse! Where's my purse?! Shit!"

"Hey hey hey calm down." She placed her hand on mine. "Giovanni has your purse."

"Oh, shit, fuck fuck fuck." I ranted.

"The shit? Want to explain?" Sophia asked, conserned.

"I.. I.. I had my ID in my purse and he doesn't know I'm a Santoro, he thinks I'm Lee. Plus there were guns and knifes there. Oh, my God I'm going to fucking die. We need to get the shit out of here." I whimpered, slightly over dramatic. "I need to borrow your phone. Go pack your clothes, if someone asks where we're going tell them that I have problems at home and be quiet as possible." I said to her and she ran out the room, I dialed my moms number, who fortunetly, picked up.

"Hi mom, it's me Alessandra." I greeted, my voice shaking.

"Alessandra, are you okay? You sound like your crying." She asked urgently.

"I'm okay, for now, but I won't be if dad doesn't send someone to pick me and Sophia up."

"I...I okay, I'll tell him right away... Can you tell me where you are?"

"We're at Enzo's beach house and Giovanni is here and...and yesterday, there was this incciddent and I lost my purse but Giovannu found it and I don't know if he saw my ID, but if he did, I'm screwed." I panicked.

"Ian and Grayson are coming, please be safe babydoll."

"I'll try." I sighed before the door flew open and Sophia stormed in with her suitcase and started packing my clothes.

"Bye mom, I love you." I said and hunged up, not waiting for an anwser. "You know Sophia I can pack my own clothes" I said as I stood up from the bed." Oww fuck! "I screamed and fell right back on the bed.

"Your leg was fucking shot and you're trying to stand up?! What the fuck is going on your mind?!" She yelled, running towards me.

"I'm sorry I forgot." I nervously chuckled.

"You forgot? You don't forget things like that." She said checking the bandage and returning to packing my stuff.

"Ian and Grayson are coming to pick us up. They should be here in half an hour... I need to get dressed."

"Just a sec..." She muttured before glancing at me. "Sweats and hoodie?"

"Yeah, make sure they're black, I don't feel like putting white on... Oh in the side pocket there are some sunglasses, give me those, I need to cover my black eye that son of a bitch gave me." I said pointing to my laguage.

Sophia helped me get dressed and brought me the crutches, that were way too fucking uncomfortable.

"Sophia listen to me." I said as I took my backup gun out of my suitcase and placed in my hoodie pocket just in case. "I know it's going to be really fucking hard to carry two suit cases, but please be as quiet as possible. I'll ask Enzo to get my bag for me while you get out of the house. I'll say that I have to think about everything outside. And I'll get to the car."

"Are you sure about it? Can't you just leave that damn bag here?" Sophia asked, irritated.

"No, I'm sorry, if I leave it here things are going to get ugly. Trust me ok?"

"Okay." Sophia sighed and we hugged.

I heard her phone buzz.

"They're here." She said looking at her phone.

We got out of my room and went downstairs as quiet as possible. Before Sophia went outside, I gave her a nod, which she returned. I went to the living room where I found Enzo.

"Enzo?" I asked and he turned around.

"Hey." He smiled.

"I need my purse...Now." I said, my voice growing cold by the second.

"Okay, I'll go get it." He said before walking away. He came back just as I was about to yell at him. "Here you go." He handed me the purse and I immediately opened it and check all of the things inside.

Thank God, everything was in place. My ID was burried somewhere deep and my knifes, and guns where on top.

"Giovanni wants to talk to you." Enzo mumbled.

"Well I don't, so bye." I said as I turned around and walked towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked before stopping me.

"To go outside. Why? I can't do that anymore?" I asked bitterly.

"Nope, you can't miss Lee or should I say something else?" He threatened.

I gasped dramatically, "You wouldn't dare." The worst part of this all, is that Enzo knows my names. Camilla Lee, Alessandra Santoro. Both of them, yet he still remains a loyal pain in the ass. The only thing he doesn't know about Santoro's, is that we are too, apart of the mafia. My dad and Alessio try their hardest to keep Santoro's as private as possible. We don't show our faces in the public, especialy me and right now, I'm very thankful for it.

"Enzo, I really don't want to do this right now. Please, let me leave. We can meet up one day and I'll tell you everything. Literally." I pleased.

"Like I'm going to believe you. Now tell me where did you learn how to shoot?" He asked annoyed.

"What the hell?! Enzo?! I was shot yesterday and all you care about is where I learned how to shoot? What is wrong with you?" I shouted.

"I care about you, but curiousity is getting the best of me. Now anwser my goddamn question." He folded his arms.

I let out a humorless laugh. "No." I anwsered quickly and swinged one of the crutches to the side of his shin. Enzo groaned in pain when the doors suddenly swinged opne and Sophia came in.

Thank God.

"What the fuck is going on?!" She shouted and winked at me to play along.

"I-I.. You..." My sentence was cut short when Sophia took my hand and dragged me out, making it almost impossible for me to walk.

"Oh you're going to talk missy. What the hell do you think you're doing?"
She said as we walked out of the house.

"I'm not telling you anything!" Where the last words before we got into the car that dad send.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Enzo screamed as he started started running towards the car.

I slammed the door shut. "Ian, drive!" I shouted before he pushed the gas peddal and drove off.



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