10 Metal tray

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

I walked out of the club crying. Why out of all people I needed to see him? I am shaking inside. I'm scared. I don't want to be near him. I somehow got away from him. For the second time. The third time will definitely be the unlucky.

I don't even know how I managed to get away from his space, and yet I'm the one who bumps into him and walks right into his grap.

Giovanni didn't kill me the first time, he sure as hell will the second time he catches me.

"Alessndra! Slow down." I heard Gabriella shout from behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and placed a fake, happy smile on my face. Kesey and her were standing, holding each other for support, trying to look sober. Both of them were really drunk.

"Uh how much did you drink?" I asked as I slowly wiped my tears away, trying not to make my makeup even worser than it actually is.

"Just a bit lil" Kesey said "Come on, Sophia called an uber and we're going to her house." She misspelled some words due to her state.

"Yeah, I'm not going. Tonight I don't feel like it, sorry." I sighed and fixed my hair out of my face.

"Yes you're going. We're gonna have a g-girls night" She laughed and made a gross face, as if she was going to vomit.

I couldn't help but laugh and be concerned for her, I certainly don't want her to barf all over the car. But for now I can't really complain, since seeing a drunk Kesey really did put me in a better mood.

"Ok fine, I'll go" I said defeated

"Wooo it's going to be-be the best girls night ever!" Gabriella shouted way too loud for my ears.

"That's the same thing Sophia told me when we arrived at this shithole" I mumbled to myself and got into the cab.

I was taken back the whole car ride. Giovanni didn't follow me, and he didn't send anyone after me...or atleast I couldn't see anyone. A few cars drived pass us here and there, but none of them were following closely behind.

I took a strand of my hair and played it with my fingers. If I'm doing this, it just shows a sign of me being nervous. It's just a habit I picked up over the years.

The car ride wasn't silent. Kesey and the driver flirted with eachother as if they were alone. But it was kinda cute watching Kesey blush. Gabriella drank the most tonight. She couldn't even manage to stay awake while we were driving home.

When we arrived to Sophia's place the three of us took her arms and legs and carried her towards her house. When we got inside we took her heels off and put her to bed. I took off her makeup and her long, fake and heavy eyelashes.

I undressed her dirty and alcochol smelling dress and and took one of Sophia's t-shirts. Gabriella was short compared to me and Sophia. She was 5'3 and Kesey was 5'6 while me and Sophia were 5'10.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where I heard glass clinging. I walked further in, Sophia and Kesey were sitting on the chairs, bottles of alcohol were full on display.

"Alessandra, you need a drink" Kesey said and immediately shoved a shot of alcohol down my throat. I didn't even get to react when I felt a burning sensation in my throat.

"Ok, I think you guys have had enough" I walked towards them and tried to take their glasses, but they pushed me away.

"Noooooooooooooooo we don't. I want some vodka. Kelsey do you want some? Of course you want some." Sophia said walking into the kitchen and coming back with a bottle of vodka in her hands. They both drank half of the bottle together while I only drank one shot.

"We gotta do some faces masks" Sophia suggested before walking into her bathroom. We couldn't even open our mouths to complain, she was already out of our sight.

Kesey and I followed her. She was already choosing one.

"No Sophia we need to go to sleep" I sighed and placed my hand over my forehead.

"Oh come on it says it will only take 15 minutes and then we can go sleep" She pouted with her puppy eyes. Those darn puppy eyes. They will be the death of me one day, I can feel it.

"Alright, fine" I looked at her in defeat and took the mask package into my hands. The three of us applied a charcoal face masks in the bathroom. Kesey and Sophia were laughing more, than putting on the masks. Kesey the suggested to watch a Disney movie, something she always loved. So went to the living room and turned on the TV. We watched The Little Mermaid for less than thirty minutes, before all of passed out. It was already pass 5 a.m. and we all were desperate for a small rest.

I woke up a few hours later by the sound of the TV. The Little Mermaid was on repeat, I turned it off and rubbed my cheek only to realise I was still with the face masks.

I walked into the bathroom and washed it off, walked into the bedroom and went to sleep beside Gabriella. It was way more comfortable than that damn couch.

I woke up and went straight into the kitchen and made sandwiches. I thanked the frickin lords that I didn't have a hangover. The whole thirty minutes of me freshening up in the bathroom, all I heard were Kesey's, Sophia's and Gabriella's groans. Why do people enjoy drinking their asses off and having the worst pain the whole day after? I enjoyed drinking a bit of alcohol at a time, but I certainly did not enjoy having the worst headache. As I was cutting some vegetables I heard a loud knock on the door. It was really knocking, it was more like banging.

"I'll get it" Sophia groaned and walked to the door. I heard the door open and somebody walking inside. Then I heard a loud thud and Sophia's scream. I took a metal tray as my weapon and walked towards the scream. I know what you're thinking, who takes a fucking metal tray as their weapon? Me, because it was the closest thing to a weapon, not to mention the knife.

Sophia stood there and infront of her was a man who was pointing a gun to her head. This man was a bit taller than me and his back was facing me. Sophia didn't look scared. She just looked a bit shocked, but also relaxed?

Who the fuck feels relaxed in these situations?!

I took the tray and swung it over to his head making his knees bend and his arms went immediately to his head.

"Ow! The fuck?!" He turned around and now his gun was pointed at me. When his eyes landed on mine, he relaxed. "Oh here you are, I was looking for you" He said with a smirk.

"Who are you and what the shit fuck are you doing here?" I breathed out.

"Boss' orders.... Kind of" He said slightly being irritated.

"Well I don't want to see him so get the hell out!" I gripped the tray like my life depended on it.

"You're coming with me even if you like it or not-" He was cut of by Sophia kicking him in the legs and then in his back, making him fall to the ground with a loud thud.

I took my chance and swung the tray multiple times over his head and face, until I saw blood running down his face.

Um what?

"Keep an eye on him and don't touch him!" I yelled and took some plastic gloves.

I checked his pulse. Nothing.


I took my phone and called the person I rely the most. My dad. My guardian Angel.

"Hey dad, I have a problem. Can you please come to Sophia's house as fast as you can? Can you also bring some of your people? They have some cleaning to do."

"I'll be right there." He said before I hung up with my heart beating rapidly.


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