41 'The safe house'

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(How the 'safe house' looks, kind of)

**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

"Ahh, Italy. I missed you!" Kate screamed as we got out of our jet and made our way to a black Audi SQ2 car. Our luggage was taken care of by the workers and bodyguards. We got into the car and buckled up. Each of us had two suit cases with us. About three weeks worth of clothing and wigs in one and weapons in the other. A little over the top if you ask me. But Alessio insisted us to pack as many weapons as we can carry. Italy is a no saint country. Crimes happen every single day. People die and get arrested every day. And if we don't do our job correctly, we might face the consequences, which screams murderer. Besides, I also found out that Ryder and Enzo will be attending the event.

My life just couldn't get any better. Note the sarcasm.

All three of my favorite boys at the same place. Awesome.

"It's fucking cold." I shivered rolling my hoddie sleeves down.

"What the fuck." Sophia glared at me with a dumbfounded look.

"It's cold ok?" I hissed at her. Kate and Sophia were wearing jeans and denim jackets, meanwhile I was wearing my warm hoddie and sweats that went great with my bird nest hair. "And the sun is shining way to bright." I said while putting my suglasses on. It's currently 4p.m. in Italy and it's January 10th, which means that in less than two weeks Luciano's won't have their son of a bitch father. Hah, I bet that no one will miss him. Pfft, who am I kidding, I don't care about anyone, right? Right?

"I'm sooo jet-lagged, Alessandra if things go south, I am going to choke you." Kate complained.

"Kate, shut it. If things go south, we'll have you to come to the rescue." I ruffled her hair. "Besides Alessio sent some of our people to help us if the plan doesn't work."

"Shouldn't we have like a 'plan B'? In literally all movies people who do stuff like this usually have another plan." She crossed her arms.

Sophia let out a loud snort and I scoffed. "Soo are you gonna tell me?" Kate shrugged. "Nope, the plan B and C are not for kids, you'd prob loose a few brain-cells if you hear them, but I suggest not to." Sophia replied. Kate groaned and tilted her head to the window as I watched her close her eyes. Sophia and I exchanged looks and we both quietly snorted, because well... we don't have a plan B or another plan with another letter out of the alphabet. I mean, we're not stupid and we won't come unprepared, but we don't really think that we need one.

We get inside.

I get the attention of Lucifer

The lights go out.

I snap his neck.

We leave.

The lights light up again and it's the same as it was before. Well, almost the same, except one person will be laying dead, on the floor, with his neck snapped. I mean, yeah, I wish I could get him to the basement of our 'safe house' and skin that fucking prick alive. But I'll just carve his face with my knife and that's it, sadly. When he dies, then I'll finally be free. I won't need to worry that I'll get caught and killed or taken away. If Giovanni and his family ever finds out who did it. I'm in big trouble. But I don't care as long as my family is safe.

After a good hour drive, we finally reached the safe house. Kate was slightly snoring and Sophia was on her phone, playing games and stuff meanwhile I was too damn lost in my thoughts and didn't even realise that we pulled into the driveway. After what felt like forever typing the passwords in, the house came into my perspective.

It wasn't as big as my parents house in New York, but it's still big for three of us. The house was modern and white, two stories and a garage filled with different kinds of cars. The house also had an underground gym where me, Sophia and Kate will be spending most of our time in. The back yard was big with a swiming pool and a freaking sauna. I'm not a fan of them but Kate and my mom loves them. We come to Italy usually in spring or summer and the sauna's are not really useful.

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