Chapter 14

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Having a banquet felt wrong.

Titania couldn't disguise her contempt for the idea from the maids who dressed her. They dashed around her like scared little mice before darting from her gaze through the doors and into the corridor beyond. Many people looked at her like that these days, as though she were more frightening than Zeus himself.

Days after her return and she found them to be right. She was frightening, hardly a sight that would launch 1000 ships. Her scars from her time with the Myrmidons were grotesque against her skin. There was the mark on her neck, from Patroclus. There were scratches on her shoulders and arms, from Spartan guards. Then there was the scar tracing the corner of her left eye and the other on her bottom lip, both from Achilles. Her collarbone also had a neat round scar, curtesy of the undefeated one.

Banquets felt hypocritical. The city was surrounded by Greeks who didn't let in any food nor supplies. The people were starving, and here they were about to feast in honour of Aeneas' return from the south. The son of Aphrodite had slipped passed the Greeks that day of the first battle, and he has returned with an entire contingent of Dardanians who fought their way through the blockade with much bloodshed.

Titania's heart thundered in her chest. She hadn't seen Aeneas since the failed negotiations. She wondered what he would think of her now. Gone was her innocent smile and her bright eyes. She'd felt herself become darkened in the days of late, her once optimistic view having turned into a sour attitude with much hatred.

She marched herself to the banquet hall with a frown. Her chiton was beautiful, a pearly white dotted with images of the Great Huntress. It billowed out behind her like a cape, allowing her to take up the whole corridor with her presence. Titania often felt closer to Artemis these days. The huntress was right when she spoke of the price of war. Titania had paid it everyday since her return with an aching heart. The goddess herself had lost a companion, Orion, in the stories. Titania understood that loss more than she cared to admit.

As she expected, the banquet hall was filled to the brim with chattered generals and commanders of King Priam's army. Her brother, Hector, gestured for her to join him and his wife, Andromache, on the other side of the table. The banquet had not yet begun, but the people were starting to seat themselves. Titania followed suit and dropped beside Andromache, her favourite sister-in-law.

"Titania, it is good to see you," the woman smiled brightly and embraced Titania in a hug. Titania returned it, happy to see her looking so healthy.

"You too, sister. I apologise for my lack of presence. I'm afraid I have been struggling to adjust to Trojan life." Titania wondered at her words. Her diplomacy and manners had started to return. She wasn't sure if she liked it.

Andromache gave her a sad smile, her dark curls framing her tanned skin, "I understand, but you are here now. I know your father will be happy to see you joining us again."

Titania nodded, "I hope he will be." The doors to the banquet hall thundered open again, revealing Paris and Helen as they waltzed in to join the festivities. Titania clenched her jaw and her head spun around to glare at Hector accusingly, "You said they weren't going to be here."

Hector coughed awkwardly, "Father invited them. It wasn't my place to retract the invitation."

"You lied."

"No, when I invited you they weren't invited yet. I simply refrained from mentioning it again."

Titania scoffed, "You tricked me, brother. You know I can't stand them."

"He's your brother. I'm angry as well, but it is time we accept them for what they've become. You missed their wedding, I think you've made your point." Hector reached over Andromache to place a hand on her shoulder, "The time has come for you to bury your hatred."

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