Chapter 22

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Titania glared at the sight beyond her walls.

An array of tents now lay not 100 feet from the bricks that protected her city. They dared to move so close? They had been beaten and humiliated, and still they tried to rob her city from her. The blockade had started again, but the Greeks starting to run out of tricks.

"At least this will make your mission easier," Aeneas spoke aloud, "It won't be too difficult to infiltrate with them so close."

Titania growled under her breath before marching back to castle, Aeneas swiftly catching up with her fast pace, "They will see us leave the gates. They will know we are coming."

"Don't use the gates."

"Obviously, Aeneas," she spat at him, her foul mood already poisoning her words, "I'll have to find another way, and with only two weeks chances are growing slim." Her footsteps were hard and angry, and her facial expression must've been as well for the men lining the walls scurried away from her and avoided her gaze.

"If your attitude doesn't improve soon then I doubt you'll find another way."

Titania whirled around so fast Aeneas didn't have time to stop before he accidently walked into her. Angrily, she shoved him away before hardening her glare, "Is there something you want to say to me?"

The son of Aphrodite shrugged, "I'm just merely mentioning that you haven't been a ray of sunshine lately, daughter of Apollo."

"Is that supposed to be a joke?"

Aeneas laughed sarcastically, "No, what's funny is that you expect to infiltrate a fully armed Greek camp whilst acting like a little girl." Titania made to shove him again but the son of Aphrodite grabbed her wrist and twisted her around so that she fell to the floor behind him. Titania groaned at the feeling of her winded lungs, but angrily slammed the ground nonetheless and hopped back to her feet, "See? You're so angry you can't even pick a fight anymore. You're all brute and no wit. That's how people lose."

Titania launched a kick but he dodged it swiftly, "You presume to tell me how I'm supposed to feel about going back there?"

She tried to punch his face but he merely ducked and smacked her arm away, "Hector is right, you're becoming reckless. You need to calm down."

"Calm down?" she launched another punch and then tried to kick him in the stomach, all unsuccessful, "You want me to calm down? You don't know what happened there!"

He dodged another attack, but made no move to go to offence, "Maybe because you have refused to tell anybody?"

Titania paused her onslaught. She stood before him with her fists raised and her chest pumping up and down to get her breath back, "If this is some ploy to get me to tell you, it's not working."

Aeneas raised his hands into the air exasperatedly, "I'm not trying to force you or get it out of you somehow, I want to just tell me yourself!"

"Why! Why would you care? It makes no difference to any of this!"

Aeneas gave her a knowing look, "You know why I care."

Titania lowered her fists, "You're impossible. This game we have is becoming a bit tired, don't you think?"

"You still think this is a game to me?" the look he gave her was one of utter hopelessness, "That I've stayed by your side as you've grown sour and thrown your life away just because of a game? Surely you can't even be that stupid."

Titania shrugged, "You're the son of Aphrodite, aren't you? Games are all you know."

Aeneas said nothing more. He simply looked at her with utter betrayal before marching away to the army camps.

Titania of TroyWhere stories live. Discover now