Chapter 28

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Singing had been the worst part.

They'd cleaned his body before displaying him for the funeral. They covered him with his favourite blue chiton and adorned him with jewels and gems alongside his sword and shield. Titania stood beside Andromache as the women said the prayers before she began her hymn of mourning to Hades.

Hades, magnanimous, whose realms profound are fixed beneath the firm and solid ground, in the Tartarean plains remote from sight, and wrapt for ever in the depths of night. Thy sacred ear incline, and pleased accept these sacred rites divine. Earth's keys to thee, illustrious king, belong, its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong. 'Tis thine abundant annual fruits to bear, for needy mortals are thy constant care. To thee, great king, all sovereign earth assigned, the seat of gods and basis of mankind. Thy throne is fixed in Hades' dismal plains, distant, unknown to the rest, where darkness reigns; where, destitute of breath, pale spectres dwell, in endless, dire, inexorable hell; and in dread Acheron, whose depths obscure, earth's stable roots eternally secure.

Paris, Aeneas, Deiphobos and Troilos carried off his body as she and Andromache sang for him. Titania found that she could not cry, for her brother had lived a good life and a strong life. He would protect them all in days to come, but he would want her to give everything she could to her city in his absence.

As she sang, she wondered if the Myrmidons could hear her. They had always enjoyed her songs, and Menesthius had made it clear that they would keep an ear out for her voice in these days of mourning.

As the ceremony ended Titania eyed Helen with renewed suspicion. She'd always been cautious and not very fond of the spartan, and Achilles' words only strengthened her opinion. Helen had something to do with Cilicia, which likely meant that she was connected to Pandarus' apparent suicide. Titania was determined to find out the truth. For Hector.

It was King Priam who interrupted her thoughts, "You have done well, Titania. Hector would be proud."

Titania shook her head sadly as she watched the maids start to clean the remnants of the ceremony, "I got him back because I was friends with the enemy. It is disgraceful."

She heard Priam sigh a tired sigh before he placed a hand on her shoulder, "My dear, the world is not as simple as good and evil. Each of us have both inside of us. The Greeks may be ruthless in their attack on us, but they are people too. They have wives, and children, and families to return to. Your friendship with the Myrmidons, I believe, was founded on what common good the gods had given you." He smiled knowingly at her, "I'm not to pretend that I understand your relationship with Achilles. I don't think you understand it either. What I do know is that relationship is what brought Hector back to us, and that is enough for me."

Titania smiled sadly at Priam, "Thank you, father, for your faith in me."

He nodded, "You understand that you are now the commander of this army. Aeneas, Paris and Troilos are your leading lieutenants, but they look to you now for the final word. Hector would've wanted you to take his place."

"I understand, father. I hope he will be proud of me."

Priam squeezed her shoulder lovingly before fading away to comfort Hecuba in the wake of the funeral. Hector's body would be burning at the city centre by now. She couldn't bear to watch it.

Instead Titania went back to her room and gazed at the tapestry of Artemis that hung on her wall. The Amazons considered themselves children of Ares, but it was the ways of Artemis that they lived. The Great Huntress had inspired their civilisation, and now they were fighting for Troy and for Titania.

Titania knelt at the tapestry and said the prayer.

Oh Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, guide me now. I have lost something so dear to me, and I do not know the way forward out of my troubled heart. I beg for your guidance, for I myself have paid the price of war.

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