Chapter 23

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Titania thanked Artemis that night, for the darkness seemed to envelope her and her spies so well that the Greeks hadn't batted an eye.

Finding a drain that led through the wall was easy, crawling through it was harder, but getting into the camp was there hardest challenge yet. Accompanying her were two of Hecuba's most recommended workers, a woman with lusciously curled hair and a man with a grim smile. Both had worked for the Queen of Troy in Thrace, and both had finally returned after long journeys overland at the war call of their city.

The Greek camp was filled to the brim with soldiers and supplies. Titania spotted Agamemnon's large tent in the centre of it all, and realised with a huff that getting there without being spotted would be impossible for her. The Greeks knew her face too well.

Another thing was missing as well: The Myrmidon tent.

She turned to her comrades, "I need both of you to get in unseen and make for that large tent in the middle of the camp. Eavesdrop where you can, and make sure to blend in. I'll meet you both here just before dawn, and then we'll re-enter the city before Apollo's chariot is in the sky."

"Where are you going, my lady?" The woman, Elektra, enquired, "Are you not to come with us?"

Titania shook her head, "They know my face, and there is one aspect of our mission that is missing from here. Follow my orders, and if they catch you...slit your own throat before they manage to torture you."

The two nodded without a grimace at the last thought. Likely they'd been drilled by Hecuba to accept suicide before giving away secrets. Without a sound the two darted closer to camp. She saw the man, Alastair, duck into an open tent before emerging a few minutes later in Greek armour. Elektra went the other way and ducked in a bushel of long grass before joining a line of female spoils of war heading to the centre of the camp.

Titania's destination lay at the beach.

She didn't understand why he still wasn't fighting. Hopefully this expedition would shed some light on the situation. As Titania crawled through the grass towards the beach she considered that maybe she should've sent one of the other two, but almost immediately dismissed the thought. If it was only a Myrmidon camp it would be harder to get in, and even more dangerous to get out. She hoped that her past friendship would save her from being killed if she was spotted. She doubted it.

The Myrmidon camp hadn't moved since they'd arrived in Troy all that time ago. The tents all surrounded a central fire that hardly ever died. The tents themselves were made from dark fabrics matching their black flag and black armour. It was very late, and she noticed no movement in the entire camp. She didn't let that fool her.

Creeping closer she spotted the watchman on duty. She couldn't see his face, but he faced east towards the Greek camp, whereas Titania applauded herself for having the savvy to approach from the North.

She wondered how this was going to happen. Hardly anybody was awake, but she needed information. She had to eavesdrop or snoop without anybody seeing her – a challenge that was starting to feel too big to be overcome.

She crept closer in the grass to spot the man's face.


Titania cursed her bad luck. Patroclus was not the greatest warrior, but he had the ears of a fox and an intense hate for Titania that likely meant he could sense her presence if he so wished. He'd watched her for weeks when she was with the Greeks. He knew her habits well, not to mention that he had a certain affection for Achilles that Titania had properly threatened.

Titania spied Achilles' tent. He would be asleep by now, and the only clues as to why he was not fighting would be inside, but the tent's entrance was on the eastern side – exactly in Patroclus' view.

Titania of TroyWhere stories live. Discover now