Chapter 25

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To her absolute relief, Hector had listened. He'd stayed Priam's hand and waited for Titania's return before attacking. Was he happy about it? Not really.

"Remember when I told you that you were becoming reckless? This is exactly what I was talking about! What were you thinking, running off like that?"

The throne room, filled to the brim with war officers and amazons, went awkwardly silent. Titania cleared her throat, very much aware of how the men were eyeing the scarcely clothed women. The Amazons were heatedly glaring at the offenders, "I was thinking about our city. All we need is one last push to get rid of them, and the Amazons are that push."

He threw his hands into the air exasperatedly, "So we're supposed to trust them?"

"No," Titania steeled her expression, "you're supposed to trust me."

The guilt trip appeared to do the trick, for Hector pursed his lips and nodded slowly before turning towards Penthesileia, "Your people are welcome here. We will make provisions for you within the palace."

Penthesileia eyed him wearily. Despite the Amazon Queen's wisdom she was plagued by her prejudice against men. Despite the wonderful man and warrior that Hector was, Penthesileia was hesitant to trust him. Instead she turned to Hecuba, and smiled at the Trojan Queen, "Queen Hecuba, perhaps you could direct us where to place our things?"

Hecuba smiled gracefully, "Of course, my fellow Queen. Please follow me."

The women all exited the room, leaving only Titania behind with Hector and the other warlords. Priam was quick to dismiss the rest before staring pointedly at Titania's bare legs, "Titania, please put on some proper clothing."

Titania frowned, "I'm alright, thank you."

"Titania it is not appropriate for a Princess to present herself in this way. Go change."

Titania rolled her eyes, "No, father. This attire is flexible and easy to move in, and I am a general of your army before I am a princess."

Titania supposed her weeks travelling with the amazons had strengthened her resolve in her womanhood. Her time with them echoed her time with Iphigeneia.

How wonderful it would be with only women on thrones. I think there'll be less wars.

Priam was not a war-driven king, but her mind was not very friendly towards kings at the moment. He seemed to want to protest but Hector waved him away, "Father, might I recommend going to inspect our troops on the wall? I think an increase in morale is in order."

Priam relented and exited the room in a flurry. Hector was quick to give her a stern look, to which Titania replied, "You didn't have to involve yourself."

Hector scoffed, "You presume to change the mind of a man who has ruled Troy since before you were born. That conversation was not going to go well."

Titania decided to leave the issue. She was not in the mood for another argument today. Instead, she smiled gratefully at her brother and knocked him playfully on his shoulder, "You waited, like I asked. I owe you for your patience."

"And what of my political savvy that managed to stay father's hand?"

Titania rolled her eyes, "I owe you for that too."

Hector chuckled heartily and wrapped an arm around his sister before guiding her from the throne room. Titania smiled at the gesture. For a moment she was 12 years old and she'd just met her favourite older brother.

"You need to speak to Aeneas."


"Titania," Hector groaned, "This fight between you has gone on long enough. I can only assume what happened, and I fear that I understand it even less than he does. Why will you not love him?"

Titania of TroyWhere stories live. Discover now