Chapter 36

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Agamemnon had hoped she would attack him.

He chuckled evilly as she let out a battle cry and swung her bow to crash with his head. The King of Mycenae ducked and swung at her with his sword which she dodged before firing an arrow at his side and missing terribly.

"Finally," he sneered, "I get to kill the useless Princess of Troy."

Titania dodged another swipe of his sword, "You can try, dead king."

Titania and Agamemnon launched into a match so fast it was nearly impossible to watch. He would swing at her head and at her feet as she dodged and tried to smack him with her bow and fire an arrow into a fatal place.

The world seemed to blur around her. She fought with such precision that she forgot about the soldiers and amazons engaged in their own battles at her sides. She only knew this moment, and she wouldn't let it escape her.

Titania let her anger at Menelaus and Agamemnon fuel her fight, "You wanted to rape me, old man. Here is your consequence!"

Titania managed to swing her bow successfully and hit him in the head. The King of Mycenae stumbled backwards and Titania moved in for the kill.

Then she saw Paris, fighting for his life against Achilles.

Suddenly the world grew sharp again. She saw Troilos battling a spartan and her father trying to rally the soldiers. Suddenly Troilos was stabbed in the leg and he fell to the floor helplessly. Titania took advantage of Agamemnon's confusion and kicked the King in his gut to force him to fall over.

As he strained to get up Titania yelled at Priam, "Get Troilos inside! Bar the doors! I'll hold them off!"

Priam almost immediately shook his head, "You cannot hold them by yourself!"

Titania struck another Greek in the stomach and made to shoot one more in the head, but a familiar Amazon blade cut the neck before she could, "She won't be alone." Penthesileia started to shove the King towards the doors. At her insistence, Helena took Troilos by the shoulder and shoved him into the palace, just as Paris fell to the floor after Achilles stabbed his arm.

Titania shoved Priam in Helena and Troilos' direction before she started to whirl through the crowd of Greeks in an attempt to get to the brother.

"No! Achilles, no!"

Achilles had raised his sword and was ready to skewer Paris in the heart, but the Amazonian Queen would not have it.

Penthesileia intercepted the blade and parried it with her own before shoving Achilles away from Paris and drawing him to fight her.

Titania took her moment of respite and quickly rushed to Paris' body and started to lift him off the floor, "Paris, you must go help them at the tunnels! Get father inside and get the others out of here!"

Titania tried to push him into the palace and made to turn around to fight Achilles but her brother pulled her back, "I can't leave you here. Hector would never forgive me."

Titania placed a hand on his cheek and felt herself shed a tear, "Go, please. My job is here, but you have a chance to live and I need you to take it!"

"Not without you!" Paris tried to pull her with him towards the gates, "You're my sister I can't let you die!"

Titania ripped her herself out of his arms and smiled despondently, "You have to let me go."

"No! Titania, this is exactly when Hector meant when he said you were reckless! Your life is worth more than this!"

Titania took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. The years played by in her mind's eye. She saw Paris and her playing in the fields when they were young, and when they finally came to Troy and met Hector and Aeneas. Despite her bond with Hector and her love for Aeneas, Paris had been her brother for the longest. She'd known him since they were babies. She'd forgotten that in the years, but she refused to now.

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