Chapter 31

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All her life Titania had found engagement celebrations to be tedious. The couple wasn't married yet, and engagements in royal families broke off as easily as a crumb from a piece of bread. She'd thought it a waste to celebrate something that might not exist the next week.

It was a lot more fun when you were part of the couple.

Despite the food shortages and the impending war King Priam announced a massive feast to take place that evening as soon as he heard the news. Deep in her heart, she knew Priam was relieved. She knew part of him worried she would run off with the amazons once this all ended.

She'd hardly had a chance to kiss her husband-to-be before she was whisked away to be dressed and readied like a doll. Andromache, equally sick with grief as Titania, made the rare appearance to help her sister-in-law get dressed in her favourite Artemis-decorated chiton and scarf. Even Andromache's grief seemed to be lifted in the celebrations, especially once Titania told her that she saw Hector in the war council earlier. The woman nodded solemnly.

"I think he suspected what you were going to do. He's wanted you two to get married since you were 15."

Titania's heart exploded at the thought. Andromache had confirmed it for her. Hector would be proud. He wouldn't mind that she was having a celebration during his mourning period, in fact he would rejoice. Hector cared for his people and his family more than anything, and the prospect of a wedding was exactly what they all needed.

The servants giggled as they helped her get dressed. Each one told her excitedly of the city's eager response to the news.

"The people are drinking the last of the wine tonight!"

"Every woman in Troy is trying to get their hands on some of those Amazonian clothes!"

"The men will rue the day they didn't snag you before Aeneas did."

Titania chuckled at their surface-level conversation. The maids chattered on and on about nonsensical things that made no difference to Titania, but she welcomed the conversation eagerly. For months all she had ever spoken about was war. Surface level gossip and news was perfectly fine to her.

Then suddenly she was ready. The maids scurried away and Andromache smiled before extending her arm to Titania. Titania took the offer and the two sisters-in-law walked side by side to the feast in the great hall, one widowed and one engaged.

"How is my nephew?" Titania asked as they walked.

Andromache smiled at the thought of her son, "He is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, though he's a nightmare when he cries. Hector would've loved him."

Titania squeezed her hand, "Hector loves him still. One day, Astyanax will meet his father in Elysium, and he will realise there is no better man – that is if he refuses to listen to the stories his aunt tells him."

Andromache chuckled, "I know you will tell him wonderful things. Hector will haunt you if you don't."

"I know it."

They entered the Great Hall and the loud noise they'd heard outside silenced dramatically. King Priam and Paris sat at the highest table with Aeneas wedged between them along with an open seat. At the sight of him her racing heart calmed, and all at once the court raised their goblets, "Hail, Titania, hail, Aeneas!"

The cheering and noise resumed as the two women walked through the room. People stopped them at every turn to congratulate Titania or offer kind words to Andromache who smiled gracefully at all of them. Titania tried to go faster through the crowd, but found herself unable to exit conversations before it was explicitly proper to do so.

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