6. kind of friend

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"not you trying to leave me here"

emily stopped walking and sighed already knowing that her chance to leave the guy with brown hair was crushed. slowly, she turned behind to see vinnie standing there with both of his hands on his hips.

"i did not" emily defended.

vinnie just rolled his eyes before started walking to emily's car while the woman just stayed there looking at his action.

"are we going?" vinnie asked, looking at emily from the passenger side of the car.

"i didn't even agree on you taking a ride with me again" emily said, now taking her turn to put her hands on her hips.

"well, too late. open the lock" vinnie demanded with strict voice making emily groaned loudly.

"what a jerk" emily mumbled as she opened the lock to her car and got in by the driver seat.

"hey, i wasn't the one who trying to leave her kind of friend here." vinnie said with a grin as emily said, "kind of friend. i like that title" with a smirk.

"alright,alright. we're starting over as a kind of friend?"vinnie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"i guess yeah. i'm emily rose rawson" she said with a small smile.

"i'm vinnie. vinnie cole hacker."


"where were you the whole day?" noah asked plopping down by his bed in the sway house.

that night after dinner by the steakhouse, noah invited emily for a night over at the sway house. after a little bit of convincing, emily finally agreed.

"i went to the hype house with vinnie. drove vinnie back to the sway gaming house. stayed there a little because kio was there so we talked a bit. then i went to dinner" emily summarised her day looking at the buff guy laying beside her.

"vinnie? that's suspicious. how?" noah asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"i don't know. he just randomly called me and said he need a ride to the hype house" emily shrugged, leaving the part where they met in the starbucks.

"how did he even get your number? i don't remember seeing you even talk to him yesterday apart from when we were in the kitchen." noah asked again, now sitting up and looked down at the woman with dark brown hair.

"i don't know. stop looking at me like that!" emily said, hitting noah's bare chest slightly.

even though noah laughed it off, deep in his mind he still have a suspicion on vinnie.


"fuck you!"

vinnie who was just sitting by his gaming table turned around to see his bestfriend, jordan, looking at him uneasily.

"what? i didn't steal your clothes!" vinnie said calmly.

"no, but you steal my chance to have that chick name emily!" jordan said, still looking at him the same way.

"first of all, don't call her that. secondly, dude emily and i literally just talked today. i didn't even steal your fucking chance" vinnie said rolling his eyes at jordan's dramatic ass.

"why are you so protective over her? first, when we were in the skateboard park yesterday, and second, here right about now?! what, was she your high school crush or something?" jordan asked, folding his hands close to his chest and lean by the wall.

"no i am not and no she was not. dude i met her yesterday. you know that." vinnie shook his head before turning his chair back to facing the computer on top of the table and smiled softly.

"i can see that fucking smile!" jordan said before starting to walked out the room.

" fuck off" vinnie said, flipping jordan off.

"but please vinnie, i know you're fucking hot, i admit. but please leave her for me" jordan said looking at vinnie's back before leaving the room.

slowly, vinnie turned his chair around again before saying, "what a fucking simp".

shaking his head, he stood up and laid down on his bed, facing up the ceiling.

"what am i supposed to do, robbie?" vinnie sighed before rubbing his face with both of his hands.


emily looked at noah's sleeping figure from the balcony in noah's room. closing the door slowly, she then looked up at the dark sky.

"what am i supposed to do, robbie?" emily said slowly, confused by her own feelings.




please vote, or even comment! it gives me a little motivation🥺 alright, hope all of you having a nice day!

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