Chapter 5 - Rush Jobs

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The ride to the airport was cold; not because of the temperature, but because of the way Sheila and I had parted company this time. Before I was always able to tell her how long I'd be around before I had to leave. This was the first time 'work' had called me away from her arms abruptly and this unexpected.

Benji was a bit surprised to see me leave this quickly. I didn't respond to his statement relating to this fact and he didn't press. He did ask if I wanted the car held for me, I told him yes, that I was only going to be gone overnight. He took my card and ran it. When he brought the receipt, I filled in a very nice tip on the tip line for him. As we parted ways, his eyes widened when he finally looked at the receipt. I'd left him a half crown tip, which was probably close to a weeks wage for him, and half of what I made a day.

Flights always left on time, unless weather prevented an on-time departure. If you were late to the gate, you'd have to pay an exchange fee and catch a later flight. I made it to my gate just as they were starting to close it for boarding. The boarder at the gate gave me a look as I handed him my boarding pass.

"Make it snappy, the gates officially closed." He told me

"Thanks, I will." I told him and hustled through the gangway onto the plane.

I missed the little girl I'd been beside on my last flight, how quiet she was, and small. This time there was a screaming baby in the isle seat next to its Holstein mother, then me and to my left, a boy that surpassed the Holstein classification right up to Sperm Whale. I felt like that back strip of cloth on a strippers thong; squished into someplace hot, oily and stinky.

A direct flight was not something I favored. I would take a route that would have at least three plane changes, changing identities at each stop. This also meant multiple phone changes. I didn't want to use a phone that an identity didn't match the flight manifest, so that meant booking my flights after I landed and deplaned.

One stop was at a larger airport, the city had two airports so I took a bus downtown, crossed a few blocks then took a cab to the other airport. My next flight took me back in the direction I'd come from and south. From there I changed clothes with identities and caught my plane. I was watching for anyone who might be tailing me. When you worked for the syndicate, tails were always a possibility and something you had to watch for and take measures to avoid.

My final flight I made an ambassador class flight. Guaranteed to have no screaming babies or oversized humans and plenty of room to relax in comfort during the flight, even though it was a shorter flight, I still footed the bill for the upper seating.

Once in the main part of the Seattle terminal I claimed my luggage and quickly disappeared into a bathroom to change. I changed my clothes, hair, looks, eye color, everything. Even the bag I carried in was different when I came out. From here I moved around the terminal for about 20 minutes, watching to see if I saw the same person or people nearby repeatedly. Once I felt comfortable that I hadn't grown a tail, I left the terminal and entered a cab.

I didn't go directly to my destination. I had the cab drop me off first at a popular cannabis bar. I mingled for a few minutes then left via the back door and found another cab. My final drop off point was at a multiplex office building. I picked the lock to get in since the place was closed now, reset the alarm then went to the tunnel in the basement and took it to another building then left via that buildings parking garage. Then I crossed the street into another parking garage, inside I uncovered a vehicle I kept stashed there. From here, I drove back to the airport to the extended parking ramp.

I knew the camera locations. I circled until I found a car I wanted to use. Not too new, not too old, something people wouldn't remember seeing or think much of. Something that had been sitting a few days and had a week parking permit in the window, and a parking spot next to it. Finding one that fit the bill, I pulled in next to it and looked for the camera. The one in this area wasn't a fixed camera, it swept back and forth.

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