Chapter 36 - Penance

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All of us were together in the sitting room having a good smoke and snacks. Everyone was feeling just right and in a good zone after the mornings work. Randi stood up and announced she would be taking a shower then left the room.

"I'm preserving the swatch of skin you took from Wanda. Making sure the ink isn't destroyed." Zandie said to us blankly.

Holland and I nodded. With this proof we'd obtained from a member of the society along with the information Holland had gathered from the database, once this started going public, all hell would break loose. Though the data alone could and would be downplayed by most government agencies as the trite ramblings and creations of conspiracy theorists, the pictures of Wanda's face, the video of her being rolled over and the mark on her neck being revealed along with the physical skin, that they wouldn't be able to sweep under the rug. The government would start investigating the existence of the society again and the people would keep pressure on the government to end this violation of our constitution.

Just as in the past, lynch mobs would surely form, hunting down anyone they suspected of being a part of the society; only this time there was a positive mark that could be revealed to identify members. The last time the society was uncovered, they'd simply stopped marking members, advanced interrogation techniques had obtained that vital nugget of information. This time, Holland surmised, we would find out who was leading the society. Interrogation methods had also advanced over the decades. The I.I.D. would make members talk.

We were discussing this topic when sounds we all knew well rang in our ears. Zandie tittered and Holland released an amused groan. Randi was taking a shower, we'd heard the shower start, then she put on some music rather loud. She was 15 and none of us thought anything of that. We'd been young once, we'd all listened to our music loud. Randi however, was louder than the music.

Randi had said she would be taking care of herself once we were home. I never doubted that. What I hadn't known was how loud she would be when she satisfied that itch.

"Wow, she's going to rip her poor nubbin off!" Zandie commented thru her laughter.

"What a beautiful singing voice your girlfriend has mister Grove. Does she know any other songs besides 'hold on I'm coming?" Holland added thru his own laughter.

My two companions burst into laughter, my face felt hot, thus I knew I was turning red. Why the hell was I embarrassed? There was no reason, I really started to feel that way when Holland called her my girlfriend, which I was none to pleased about. Somehow I'd ended up the butt of their joke.

"She's making Sam and Dave proud!" Zandie sputtered. "Oh my gosh! Are you ever red!"

Holland took his turn at me. "You should go in there and take care of that my friend! Help a girl out!"

The look I gave him only made him laugh harder, Zandie as well. "What do you want me to do, go in there and stuff her panty's in her mouth to muffle the sound?"

My intention was to return a dig at Zandie and Holland both; in college Holland stuffed Zandie's panty's in her mouth for just that purpose. Though, she wasn't anywhere's near as loud as Randi was currently, and the dig just washed by them. Maybe they didn't remember or simply weren't acknowledging my attempt to get back at them.

"Not exactly what I mean by" Holland made air quotes, 'take care of that', but hey, if that's what you two are into, who am I to criticize."

Zandie was snorting from laughter but still managed to say, "Just make sure she doesn't drown!"

Holland was having the same trouble speaking Zandie was. "Don't you mean make sure he doesn't drown, he's mister 'I love golden showers'!

"Oh no lover, he swallows." Zandie retorted as hard laughter took them both over again.

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