Chapter 20 - Head Games

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Chapter 20

Head Games

While Lydia showered I started sorting through and organizing some of my clothes that I'd been in and out of as I traveled. I pulled out the clothes I'd worn when I last saw the girl I'd know as Sheila. I folded the shirt and put it in a suitcase then picked up the pants. I had removed the belt that I'd left in them when I did a quick change and dropped it on the floor then started folding the pants to put them away when I noticed a small silver tab on the belt.

My blood went cold, I reached down and picked up the belt putting my hand near the small silver tab that looked like a clip to something you'd slip onto something. When I turned the belt over I saw a small metallic disk; I knew exactly what it was, a tracking beacon.

"Sheila." I said as I looked at it and ran my thumb over it.

My mind raced, thinking back to when I was at her place last. She'd embraced me. She hadn't know I was coming. While we were talking after I surprised her, she went to a free standing closet, taken something out then put it in the tote. Then she kissed me, distracting me as she put the tracker on me. Fuck! I hadn't thought at the time, when her hand was on my back, belt level, she bugged me. Bitch.

I removed the bug from the belt and pocketed it then dropped the belt and went to the shower door and shoved it open fast. "Get out, get dressed, we're leaving now!" I told Lydia.

She could tell this was something urgent. Without a word she jumped from the shower, grabbing the towel she'd put on the back of the booth seat as she went to the bedroom. I hurried out to disconnect the camper and get it ready to roll.

Lydia was dressed and ready by the time I had the camper unhooked and helped me connect the car carrier to the ball hitch at the back of the camper. There was no time to say any goodbyes, nor would have I if there had been. Tullis' people were on their way. We might have only minutes before they showed up. I fired the engine and pulled out of the stall fast. Lydia turned on the Won Ton and we left the area on back roads in the opposite direction Tullis' people would be coming from, at least I hoped we were.

oOoOoOoOoOoOoO Defective - A Psychopath's Tale - OoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Once we were a safe distance away from where we'd been camped, I pulled into a small convenience store. I purchased a small pack of mailing envelopes with a bubble wrap lining and a book of stamps. The address I used was for I.I.D. headquarters in California with the return address to Tullis' home, then I affixed more stamps than were needed and dropped the tracking bug inside then deposited the envelope into a mailbox that should be picked up within half an hour.

Now, I'd head back to New Brittan, the last thing Tullis would expect a boy on the run from him to do. Once we were underway, I asked the nagging question in the back of my brain.

"So how'd you find me?" I asked Lydia as she sat in the front seat beside me.

Her chin dropped, she'd been waiting for this question. "When we cleaned this thing..." she started with a gesture around the inside of the camper, "I connected a cord to power for my cell phone and left it on. Back home I used the 'find my phone' app on my laptop."

Simple yet very effective.

"We need to get rid of this camper, and the car. Use my laptop, find us a camper dealer that's independently owned, no corporate show, that also has large enclosed trailers." I looked over at her and smiled. "We'll upgrade, this thing's rather old, and we'll need something bigger for the two of us since we're going to be living in it for a while."

Lydia returned my smile. "Gotch-ya. A full size bus then, any particular brand?"

"Heh, hell, I don't know, good ones, nice, something we'll be comfortable in and won't mind living in, taking down Tullis isn't something that's going to be done in a month. We're in this for the long haul." I told her.

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