Chapter 87

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Marvin 'Boomer' Blake

Sydney's camera placement wasn't quite up to snuff. But I could see the door and would know when fuck-nuts went in. Shit, Nick, I was taking him out. What else could I do? The boss wanted it done, and what the boss wanted, he got. Still, Nick and I had known each other for many years, decades even; from back in the old days when times were good, nothing like they were today.

"It working good Boom? You wants I should gets it better? I did the best I could. Is it good daddy?"

"It's fine Syd, just... shut your hole okay?" She wasn't the brightest candle in the... candelabra. But she was the only help I had.

Shit, the boss didn't think I needed any, that fucker, Nick was right about him. The boss didn't see the art in what we did, no respect for us or our work. He just thought you took explosives and stuck them wherever; there was much more to it than that. Shaping them, building them just right for the job at hand. You used different setups for a car than you did a building. Then there was placement. Do that wrong and well, the mark could live, get blown free of the building; this place would drop like a house of cards right into a nice rubble pile. Even if he did survive the blast, the falling rubble would get him. And if he somehow lived through that, by the time rescue workers dug his ass out, he'd be dead anyways.

Sydney came up next to me, lifted my arm and moved under. I could smell her sweat, she hadn't showered this morning. I guess I was to blame for that, made her get moving early. I turned my face towards her and kissed her on the lips. She was a good kid all in all. Great in the sack, wild fucking animal, banging her was like banging a Tasmanian Devil. What was it? Two years? Three? Shit time passed, how old was she now?

She'd been tied up, hog tied, and tossed in the ocean to die when I found her. Somehow she'd made it to shallow enough water to sit up and breath, but was badly beaten and wouldn't have made it to shore if I hadn't help her.

I untied her and helped her out of the water. There was a soapstone handled knife in her back. It had missed it's mark. That was the way the West Ender gang did their marks. Soapstone handled knife in the back after they tied their victims up then tossed them in the water. I hauled her to a safe house I had for myself with some doctor gear. I removed the knife, patched her up the best I could. Didn't think she'd make it till morning.

Didn't know what she'd done to piss the gang off, didn't care. They'd tried to hook up with Tullis & Company, boss didn't want 'em, killed the leader at the time to make his point. They got hooked with the Greeks instead. Tullis fucked up. The West Ender's ran a tight ship.

Syd made it somehow. Weak, sick, and generally fucked up from what the gang did to her. So I ended up with her.

My first intention was to get her healthy enough to pitch her ass back out on the street. After a couple weeks, she was better and I didn't have it in me to just chuck her out. Then I fucked her. Yeah, she was fun, really fun to fuck. So I kept her around, my private little piece of ass whenever I wanted it.

She was too young for someone of my age to be fucking, 12, 13, I can't remember. She was a sewer rat though, street kid, nobody cared about her. She'd be dead anyways if I hadn't happened along. Who was she going to tell? If she ratted me out for fucking her, her ass would be back in the stewpot; then she'd go for another swim.

After a while, it was more than just the great fucking, the sex, the everything. Girl could suck your cock so good... yeah, well, she started helping me do stuff. She may not have had much for education, but she wasn't a stump either. She learned fast, I taught her how to make some of my shit. At some point between fucking her and having her do my bitch work, shit, I fell in love with the rat.

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