Chapter 47

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Randi called Murdock and talked with him while I listened in. She'd meet with him tomorrow and hand off the bugs Holland gave us along with a garbage smart phone already set up to use with the bugs. He had to be careful, if discovered by Tullis, even his Imperial slave status wouldn't save him. Slaves died in auto accidents just like everyone else.

At the new place we stayed with Holland and Zandie there wasn't as much room, Randi and I not only shared living space with them, the two of us had to share a bedroom and bed. Thus far there had been no issues between us, now I was afraid that I might do something inappropriate. My obsession with Randi was palpable. She on the other hand, seemed to have no problems. Her and Zandie had mended their paths, Holland and I were friends again, but Randi and I? Afraid, afraid of myself, that's how I felt.

Zandie was the first to head off to bed, Holland followed her about five minutes later. I sat with Randi and watched some TV for about another hour. My brain was in many different places during that time, running scenario after scenario regarding Tullis. Then Randi said she was tired, handed the clicker off to me and headed for the bedroom we shared.

By the time I entered the bedroom to hit the sack, Randi was fast asleep, sawing logs as an old saying said, I presumed that term came from snoring, which she definitely was doing. I swore I could feel her snores through the floor. I laughed to myself at the thought. I sat down on a small loveseat sized seat; I thought it was a bedroom piece for dressing and undressing on. That seemed appropriate.

As I disrobed, I said Randi's name softly, thinking she might be awake since she'd stopped snoring and the light in the room was on, but she made no response. I finished taking my socks off then turned off the light and made my way to the bed and got in on my side. It felt good to lay down, it had been a long day.

How long I laid in bed before I finally slipped off to sleep I don't know. It was well after midnight I know that. When I opened my eyes I remember the digital clock reading 5:02 and I felt like I was about to cum, hard. My cock was being sucked, but by whom? I was in a mental fog, where was I? I didn't recognize the room, I couldn't tell who was between my legs sucking me off.

I put my hand on the persons head, a girl I hoped, yeah, it had to be a girl, and pushed down as I shot my wad. This was a great orgasm, I was coming long and steady, the cum was pumping out of me like I was taking a piss. What was the girls name? Mercy, Von Mercy, everyone called her Mer she'd told me. The blind girl, it had to be her sucking my cock, her mouth I was propelling my load into.

No, something happened that night. Whoever it was hadn't spilled a drop of my spunk yet, I stopped shooting, I felt a tongue on my cockhead, it circled it several times and my second wave hit me. I started shooting cum again. I couldn't think of whom was in bed with me; I tried to reach for the light on the nightstand and turn it on but my orgasm had a hold of me. The entire time I was climaxing, I never felt a drop of cum drop on me or slide down my cock. The person sucked me dry and squeezed up Cogburn's length. Their head came up.

Through the light of the alarm clock in the room and now that I was fully awake and not lost in an orgasm, I recognized the face and remembered what day it was.

"Randi!" I ejected.

She smiled at me and giggled softly. "Yeah, it's me. You think you were dreaming or something?"



When Zandie and I were alone in the hot tub room, she tried to talk to me. I ignored her. When she asked me how things were going between Gordon and I, I flipped her off.

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