Chapter 24

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"We'll need to take some pictures of you, various poses with your hair done different ways. Some makeup changes, things like that so you look a bit different in each passport and identity card." Zandie had a hold of my chin and was looking me over, turning my head from side to side. "Hmm, probably won't be able to make your age much over 20, maybe 22. No, 20's pushing it. Damn, I love your cheekbones. Such structure, very nice."

"Um, thanks." I tried to say through the grip she had on my face.

She released me then looked at my body below the neck. I felt a bit uncomfortable, the way she was looking at me, I wondered what she was up to next.

"Yes, but first we need to make you look big city, get rid of this country hick look." Zandie stated.

I looked at my clothes. "What? I just put this outfit together like a month ago. It is NOT country."

She reached out and grabbed the hem of my jacket on the front. "This denim thing, total country chick look, badass country chick look, but still country. That shirt, ug, so last year and jeans? Even black they clash with the gothic look. You need help baby boobies."

I gawked at her. I couldn't believe she just called me baby boobies. "Yeah well, just cuz I'm not packing fat bags like you are..."

"Easy kitten, it wasn't an insult. Trust me. Having big melons keeps most guys from realizing you have a face." She smiled kindly. "Except for the few exceptions like Holland, and your boy."

"He's not my boy, exactly." I corrected her.

Zandie cocked her head to one side with a questioning and confused look. "Really? I figured you'd be a vision from his dreams. He's probably still torn after what happened with the last thing he dated. She was so not his type. Can't believe he invested himself in her."

Then she turned around as she grabbed my hand and pulled me after her. "Come on, you need some help. You and your baby boobs. We need to accent what you have, put them on display." She stopped and looked back at me. "And get you into today fashion wise. You have so much to work with." She sighed. "You just need to let the darkness inside you out, show your flair."

She started pulling me along again. "I don't want a pushup bra, I'm not interested in making them look bigger. And how can my fashion be so out of style, I just got it out of 'The Gothic Vogue' last month!"

We entered a room that was... shit, any girls dream. There were two three-way mirrors, several lighted makeup vanities and racks with clothes that rolled to the dressing areas near the mirrors. As I looked around I realized the ottomans were really stands for a girl to stand on while a dress, skirt, whatever, was pinned in place. There were also form mannequins for making and adjusting clothes and at least two different sewing machines. There was even a brassiere bust that was fully adjustable to any girls size for customizing her brassiere; there was also one that went down to the waist area.

"Shit, you've got it all here. What do you like make clothes? Seamstress? Wow, and these sewing machines, and a surger too!" When I looked to one side I spotted something I knew well. "Leather stitcher?" I looked back at Zandie. "You make saddles too?"

She laughed lightly. "Well, I suppose I could, that sewing machine handles leather, canvas, you can make boots and shoes on it. Which I do sometimes, mostly I make leather dresses, skirts and other assorted leather accessories for a dark ladies attire."

Zandie went to a closet and pulled out a couple items then brought them to me. "Try these on." She told me.

"Corsets?" I looked at her with disgust. "I told you, I don't want to make my boobs look bigger than they are, that's like lying. And I really don't want the kind of attention girls with big mounds get."

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