Chapter 72

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"Got everything?" I asked Sasha before she got on the bike.

She looked at the trailer then the saddlebags and thought for a moment. "Yeah, think so. You worried about me doing solo this run?"

I felt myself tighten my lips, not wanting this question to come up. "Yeah, a bit, well, more than a bit. Be careful, Darla's the real deal, hard ass, tough, smart and quick. You get one shot to take her down, you fuck up, you're as good as dead Lydia."

"Sasha, and I know. I'm worried myself. From the pictures you showed me, she's big, Amazon big. Fuck, I wish I had muscles like hers, and boobs."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with your boobs and if you had muscles like her you'd look like a circus freak." I told her.

"Thanks." She replied and chortled. "I guess I should get going then." She said then got on the bike.

Before she fired her ride up, I went over and kissed her. She was pretty tough herself for her size. I wanted her to feel confidant when she left, any lack of confidence could cause failure and failure meant a dead girlfriend.

"See you when we're done." I said.

Sasha smiled and started the bike. I watched as she rode out of sight. We had to make both remaining accountants tonight, if we didn't we'd never get a shot at the last one; Tullis would drop a security net on the remaining accountant that we'd never be able to hack through. He'd given a warning to the other two, but he didn't expect them to be attacked; he figured hitting his biggest money maker was all I'd do and that since I'd hit him, I wouldn't have the sand to go after the other two; he was in the blind of my having a partner. I was going to ass fuck him tonight, and I'd make it hurt; having a partner would have a full payoff tonight.

To distract Hurley, I dug deep and pulled out my widow missus Nadia Brach disguise. Despite being a major hard ass, Hurley was a compassionate boy. I was expecting him to help an old girl that had dropped a bag of groceries; part of that Imperial Marine Boy Scout training. Even being on high alert, he'd probably not be expecting someone to dress like an old girl. If I was wrong, Sasha might be getting her inheritance early.

Hurley worked out a much different setup than the other accountant had. His office was a real estate office that actually sold properties. Hurley himself didn't actually show any places for sale, but he had two agents in his office that did. The office was in a small strip mall, he was on the end next to a dental office. The parking lot was small and connected to the parking lot of an apartment complex. Perfect. After Tullis' courier left Hurley's office, I waited till I saw the back office light go out then rushed into the parking lot and began my hobbling act along the parking lot towards the apartment complex.

I had to spend some time fumbling around, dropping things, until Hurley came out; he seemed to be taking his sweet ass time. Once he came out and locked the door of the office, I started across behind his car. He was almost to me when I pulled the ripcord that I had rigged from dental floss to cause the bottom of the bag to rip open. Canned goods and a head of lettuce went everywhere. I made old person sounds and started picking the items up and putting them in a canvas bag I had, complaining like an old person would as I did.

Being a kind soul, Hurley did try and help, even placing several cans and the head of lettuce in my bag for me. I waited till his hands were full again saying things like 'thank you young boy' as he picked my fallen groceries up for me. This time when he reached for my bag, I fired the taser at him, then moved in fast and stuck him in the neck with a syringe and pumped a butt load of paralytic in him.

Once he was on the ground, I pulled the Studebaker beside him and used a power cart to load him up. He was all beef, a solid 160 kilograms if he weighed a gram. Once he was in the cart, I moved it to the back of the SUV and let the power drive run the cart into the backend of the Studebaker. I quickly recovered the remaining groceries so I wouldn't leave any evidence behind and took off.

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