Chapter 76

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Tullis dialed a number on the garbage phone he was currently using. He turned the speaker on and set it on his desk then sat down himself and waited as the line rang.

"You are calling to set up your first payment, correct mister Wellington." The person that answered the call stated, there was no question, Tullis was being given an order.

"No, you haven't delivered the service that was promised." Tullis replied, his reason wouldn't matter in the end, the deal had been made, payment would be required.

"There is a problem mister Wellington? We still expect payment, your problems will be solved to your satisfaction." The voice stated.

"You're boys never showed, that's the problem." Tullis said. "And I don't pay until the problem's resolved. If those two were the best you have, we ain't got no deal, you hear me? These two fucks you sent, barely made it out of the airport when the mark punched their clocks. They're currently on the shit-land express to undersea-land on a garbage frigate."

The person on the other end didn't say anything right away, I could hear background noise coming from the phone but I couldn't make out what it was. The time since the person last spoke became so great, Tullis made sure the call was still connected.

"Hello? You there ya fuck? Talk to me." Tullis said coarsely.

There was more noise from the speaker on the phone, my guess was whomever was on the other end of the call had tried to call the two boys that Tullis was saying didn't show.

"And how do you know our customer service representatives didn't show?" He asked.

"Because you dumb fuck, they were in the back of my limousine stinking the thing up. I have to sell the damn thing now because your 'representatives' shit all over the inside of it ya fuck. What are you going to do to correct this problem? I ain't sending you shit until you do. Fuck, if one rogue hitter can take out your boys that quick, maybe I need to look somewhere else for help." Tullis yelled at the phone then he reached forward and ended the call.

I'd need to work with Sasha on special training; I'd be getting some myself. The next two Scotsmen that came across the pond would be first string boys, nothing like the two Sasha and I had taken down; a limo and a sign wouldn't work. We needed to hit a lot sooner than before they landed. These boys were coming for Tullis, and he belonged to me.

Involving Holland was something that couldn't be avoided. He had a specific skill set that we needed in order to know exactly when the Scots were going to leave ahead of time. Holland had all the right moves because of his family's business, the travel industry. He'd also designed the software Fuzzy Travel used and software that was used by nearly every airline out there, most importantly, Scottish Airbus.


The Scottish syndicate in the homeland was vastly different than what Tullis had. The Paw across the pond had the trust and respect of his people honestly, not because of fear. He was also a very patient boy that took his time, haste was not in his id in the least.

Sasha and I trained for three weeks. Then, we spent a week on the job, honing our newly learnt skills before we went on fulltime with Scottish Airbus. When the time arrived, we decided, I'd play my roll a bit differently then hers. Instead of being a male stewardess, I'd play a pilot, only I wouldn't be flying. Instead, I would be riding in the cockpit sitting in the jump seat with the story I had a medical condition that resulted in my needing to return home and wasn't allowed to fly anymore.

Holland called in some favors and we were working the flights between Scotland and New Brittan; yes, I did play the roll of steward on the flight out, it wasn't until the flight back that I switched it up and became Milo Perkins, grounded pilot. Our two Scotsmen were on this flight. Originally they were booked on a standard class fare. It was Holland that upgraded them to the first class seating, we wanted their last trip to be as nice as it could be; and being in first class also gave Sasha a better chance to do her bit.

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