Chapter 67

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Holland was showing me some of the more interesting video he'd recorded from the bugs in Tullis' offices. I recognized many of the faces, heads of other families, some were business associates for legitimate businesses, others were lackeys that ran various illegal dealing for him, like the gambling rackets.

If you wanted to play slot machines, video poker or any games like that, there wasn't a problem. Many places had the games in them, like restaurants and cannabis lounges, but betting was illegal in all but two instances. Horse racing and dog racing were two legitimate betting enterprises. Tullis had his fingers in both of those in legal ways. He also ran bookies that handled bets for people whom didn't have the cash to put down right away. He'd loan you the money, at an exorbitant interest rate.

Betting on anything else, was illegal. If you wanted to bet on a football game, you'd have to know somebody in the racket to place that bet. Golf, tennis, baseball, any sport you weren't allowed to bet on, openly. Even a small friendly wager in your living room with your brother was illegal, technically. Here is where Tullis & Company made a large portion of money. Visit one of his bookies and you could bet on any team or sport you liked with cash; if you didn't have the cash, well, you could still get one of his advances. Don't pay your debt? Get a free tour of your local morgue, hospital or dentist.

"That's one place to start, put a dent in his pocket book." I commented as I watched one of the videos with the managers, being polite, over his bookies.

Most of Tullis & Company's legitimate businesses were nothing more than a means to launder his money; on paper they made more than they actually did, which was the entire purpose for their existence. Some of his legitimate business did actually turn a profit, but nothing compared to his outside of the law ventures.

Then there was his extortion funds. Another big money maker for him. Typically he'd dig up dirt on a wealthy businessman and use it to make them pay to keep the information secret. Usually this would be a lifelong deal. If he couldn't find anything, or create it, he'd use brute force and fear to extract his payments. Whatever the situation was that brought Norval Tullis into your world, you'd never get rid of him.

"This next bit, you'll find really interesting. I was shocked when I saw it." Holland told me, he even put it up on a larger screen.

The video started with him and Samson together in his main office. There was nothing unusual about that. Then Tullis told Samson they'd be going to their 'special room' for a while. I had no idea what that meant. Whatever it meant, Samson didn't looked pleased about it.

"What's the matter ya fuck? You got a problem with this? You got a problem with me?" Tullis said to Samson.

"No boss, I got no problem." Samson answered.

"Then what's with the look, something you fucking want to tell me ya fuck?" Tullis asked.

"Nothing boss, I've just got a lot on my mind, you know, business and shit, I ain't got no problem boss." Samson tried to put on a happy face, his real emotions weren't hidden well by it.

"Come on, I'm ready for this shit for brains." Tullis said then the two walked out of the room.

Holland's video caught up with them in a back room that I'd never seen before or even known about. It was hidden and was accessed through a secret entrance hidden in a bookshelf. I almost laughed at that, but I couldn't. Something was up.

As we watched them, Tullis ordered Samson to get naked. I was watching the video in a state of shock, Tullis took his clothes off as well. He had Samson sit on a bed and he sucked his cock until Samson was hard then he made him get off the bed and Tullis climbed up on it and got on his hands and knees. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

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