Kanha's Queen

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"Kanha. Will you really not go to Devi Rukmini? She has been waiting for you"asked Balram as he looked at the man sleeping peacefully under the creeper,with flowers falling all over..

"Dau.. Even if she is waiting for Krishna. You know that is not me. I am not a man to marry multiple wives. And she is one of the Asta Laxmi. She would marry Narayana, right"said Kanha and smiled.

Balram nodded then wondered. If you are not Narayan then who are you..

"But Kanha.. Are you not Narayana? Am I not your Shesh Naag?"Balram sat down beside the man sleeping and wondered..

"Who said that? You were just a little black snake. I picked. What Shesh Naag? Dau. Donot confuse yourself. We are here because we are going to steal a bride. Not to be Krishna and marry eight wives"said Kanha as he got up to look at Balram and then again fell down,tired..

Balram scratched his head. What did that mean.

"Dau..Shesh Naag means the one who remains last. When a Universe collapses,the creator takes everything inside. He or she, whichever form they exist. They stay like that until all existances are gone before they explode into void. It's not something to be very proud of you see.."Kanha explained..

Balram nodded. True. What is it that is so good about it?

"But Kanha. Then who am I?"Balram was back to square one..

"You? I told you. I had gone to somewhere. And met a little black snake. It was quite cute. So I took it with me. You are him"Kanha explained playfully.

Balram nodded.

Good,he finally left me in peace. Thought Kanha and smiled..

But Balram returned again..

"Then what are we doing here?"Balram asked.

"Dau. We are here to steal a bride of course"said Kanha. They were somewhere deep in the forest..

"Then what about the Krishna of this time?"Balram asked..

"Dau. I am not going to change things for Krishna. See. I stayed quitely in Vrindavan playing flute. Even stayed with Radha. But as the Krishna of this world was fated to. He had to walk away. So I did. After I am done with few works. I would also leave. And this world's Krishna would stay with his wives. It's just. Dau. I have a bride to steal. So I have to do somethings."said Kanha with mischief..

"But why is it that no one notices?"Balram asked..

"Because Dau. They are a part of me. You can say. Their existence comes from me. It's like. Dau. When wind blows can leaf fly. Do you understand?"said Kanha. He was really tired. Childish Dau. So many questions.. He was better off a small snake..

At least all he could do was Hiss..

If Balram could hear his thoughts,Kanha would have been beaten bad..

"But what work do you have?"Balram asked..

"To save a queen. My Queen. I cannot change her fate now. But I would end her fate now. So that she would be free. To choose. So that she would be happy. Dau. Her tears are strong enough to burn the whole Universe. My Queen. She has choosen again and again to sacrifice herself. For many things. For world,for love,for family. But was never cherished. Her own people doubted her. Her own family harmed her. Her lover betrayed her. Dau. All of this should end. Her pain should end. I want her to be free. As free as I have seen her once. I want to see her happy Dau"said Kanha looking beyond.

Balram nodded. He understood. If it was anyone else. Kanha would not interfere. He knew it too. Or atleast that much he understood.

"Kanha..Are you in love with her?"Dau asked..

Kanha smiled. But said nothing. He just wished. For her happiness. If it's him. Then him. If not him. Then with whoever it might be. But be happy..

"What to do now? Devi Rukmini has already send a letter Kanha?"asked Balram .

He watched as in the place of the man stood a woman.

"Then Krishna would go to marry Devi Rukmini and others. I would go that way. To meet someone else. Afterall. She is also a Krishna. Her birth is about to happen. We can make her beautiful for her wedding,right?"said the woman .

Balram nodded. And both walked towards Panchal. The land where Draupadi was about to be born from fire. How? Who was she?

No one knew. Was there even such a need to be born from fire? Who knows..

Only the lord knows the truth..And He seldom speaks..

"Princess. When you are in doubt,when you feel like giving up,always remember. You are fireborn. A warrior. Even if we cannot change what is going to happen,we can change the outlook. If a storm comes,it's harsh. But with it also comes the change to grow. We cannot stop the storm. But we can grow from there"the lady adorning Draupadi with flowers in her hair said as she put the last flower in her hair.

Draupadi,the innocent girl born from fire,was now ready. For her Swayamvar. She could not marry Krishna,the best candidate for her. Her fate was changing along with the fate of the whole land.

How she choose her future would be where she would be..

As she walked out,in her royal outfit. The two women left too. To be never found again..

As they walked out,someone stood at the podium,looking at them.

No,it was not Shri Krishna. It was Anga Raj Karna. The rightful heir to the throne of Kurus.

But the two women smiled. He had to die,to meet again. After all it was play of three. And in them were two. In these three,who was the queen?

Was it Draupadi? Was it Karna or was it Krishna that Kanha wanted to keep safe?

Balram dared not ask. He could understand few things. So he choose to be silent.

As they left. Soon. The little black snake forgot. But something stayed with it. The search of that man whom he had met by chance..

After a very long time somewhere He opened his eyes again. And infornt of him stood a huge black snake with its multiple hoods raised. Ready to bite. But Kanha had forgotten his own words. He started to tease it thinking it was his very own little pet.

But who knew it was actually the dark matter of Universe coming to threaten him. And when it started hissing more,Kanha picked up his little fist and gave it a jab. He was a child afterall. How strong was that? Just a little fist?

And the huge snake laid there for few moments before breathing it's last..

Suddenly his mother looked at him in fervent worship. Kanha stumbled. What happened. Ohh no. Did I kill the darkness of this world?

So he started to create Maya again to keep the worldly balance. Once again his mother was his mother. Father was his father. He got scolded. Beaten.

Kanha finally sighed in relief. It was of course not Gokul. But it was Gokul. Countless Golakas had come together for this. They who had once met him somewhere had come once again.

But where was she? No one knew. Kanha was just a baby. So he drank milk and fell asleep. Tired..

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