A child

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"Mother..What is a ruler?"asked the child running behind his mother..

His feet had anklets,smile was childish. There was twinkle in his eyes as if he could see stars shine. Or stars were shinning in his eyes..

The mother looked around,as if she felt something. But there was no one around. She smiled. She had felt it quite often.

The child pouted.

"I am so near,so close to you. Yet you donot even search for me. Maa. I feel sad"he said..

"You had said,you would not let go of me. That you wanted me as your child. Now. You are not even looking at me"the child pouted and continued to chase..

She smelled good. The flowers on her hair carried faint fragrance. Her clothes were soft. He liked to play in her robes and fall asleep on her chest. Warm,kind..

Sitting quitely,he tried to think. How to make her talk. He loves her. How much he does not know. He loves every mother. Because he is a mother too. How? When did he say he is not a woman? When did he say he is just a boy?

Looking at the silent old grandpa,he smiled.

Then climbed on the lap and fell asleep,cuddling inside his warm shawl..

Then walked away. Grandpa had works. He was meeting a lot of people. It was not that he did not like it. But he cannot disrupt too much of fate,right?

Then he walked towards him. He sang,he danced. He talked. And in his embrace,slowly,the little boy turned into a young girl. And fell asleep in his arms. Snuggling closer to his chest. Feeling his heartbeat.

"You are warm. Even in this cold place. But you should take care of yourself"the little girl said,looking at his face..

From corner to corner,from road to road. Mountains and Oceans,he crossed. Running along wind. Falling along rain. Touching lives..

Playing in the grooves,among birds. Dancing with animals. Flying with butterflies..

But every night,he went to them. And him. To watch over them.

Who was he? Who was she?

Was she a butterfly? Was he a boy or girl?

He was not defined by that. Just a playful child,with a playful heart..

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