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"Tell me who are you..Where is he? Are you a demon who possessed him?"asked the young girl as she looked at the boy in blue, playing flute,sitting alone on the tree..

"Radhe..What are you doing here at this time?"asked the boy looking surprised by the sudden intrusion..

"I am asking you. Who are you? Are you a demon? Fooling us,by your act of being our Krishna?"asked Radha as she stood with her hands on her hips.

The young boy looked at the woman in pink. She was beautiful. But anger stayed on her nose. And was always taking herself too seriously. Like too much seriously..

"Radhe..Why would you ask like that? I am Krishna too"the boy smiled mischievously. But added too..

"No. You are not him. I donot know why. But I know. You are not him. He should not be like this. Gokul should not be like this. This peaceful. This calm. There should have been big demons. There should have been something very dangerous. But it's not. I just feel a strange sense of security,peace. Like I am safe"said Radha looking lost. She did not notice the too that the blue boy added..

Krishna smiled. Of course. There won't be things like that. The demons you and the little baby had to fight are now the calves and cows grazing. And the peacock dancing.

"Radhe.. It's nothing. You felt it. It's just. Like. You know when we have eaten too. We feel hungry at times. It's just that. Donot mind it. Sit. I would play a new tune for you"Krishna passed her his smile.

"No. I know. You must be Lord Narayana. Who came to save us"Radha exclaimed.

The boy looked at her. He knew. It was a gone case now. He had to answer her..

"Radhe. I am Krishna. Lord Narayana,Lord Shiva. And whoever exist. But I am not just that. I am not here to harm you or anyone. Trust me"said the boy with a smile and sat..

They talked. He explained things to Radha that no one knew. The tree,the cows,the calfs grazing stood in silence. Listening something.

The boy smiled. Radha left.

Few days passed..

Again she came..

"Tell me. Are you married?"she asked suddenly. And the boy looked at her in wonder..

What does that even mean..

"Tell me the truth. Are you married?"she again asked..

The boy shooked his head. Of course he was not married.

"Then marry me. Take me with you. Wherever you are from"asked the girl. Her eyes were glistening like stars..

The boy smiled. Taking her away? To where?

"Radhe..It's not easy..I cannot marry you"said the boy..

"Why can't you marry me? Am I not beautiful enough? At least my skin is white,not blue like yours"she said with flow.

The boy smiled. There. It was. The reason.

"Radhe..We will talk about this later.. Go back now"said the boy and closed his eyes.

"I love you. I know you too love me. Then why cannot we marry?"Radha asked..

The boy sighed. Her anger was back again..

So he just closed his eyes. And started to play his flute..

In her anger,she took the flute and broke it. It was just a bamboo flute. It broke. But she did not see. Even her breathe stopped for a moment. Only when that boy started to do something,did it moved..

Still he sat silence. As wind moved. He smiled at her .

She left. No matter what he explains,she would not understand.

He smiled at her curse. A day would come when you would be begging to marry me.

He smiled. So be it. But Radhe,to use your power to tie me up,is it right,he thought smiling..

He had heard similar words at many places. He had accepted. But one thing they did not know. With that word,they lost a friend who stands for everyone. They gave away that identity,that name. Never would they be Radha or Krishna. No matter how much they scream. Countless paths he had walked. Some wanted to bind him with slavery,some with the name of love,some with promises .

He sat without his flute. She had done the same with her Krishna before. But at some places it's better to be gentle. He smiled looking at her,as he saw the dark cloud hovering around her. Her sins. She stopped the flow of life. He sighed and took it back. But with it was gone her grace.

He was not there to collect women. He was there to take care of the ones who were falling from grace. He was not going to enchant men and women to create a kingdom. He was an enchanter,a lover. He just gave love,the purest love.

As night came,he sat. But what was that..Why was there a woman sitting in his place? It's just. Neither she had blue skin,nor she was smiling playfully. Around her was silence. How did she look? Even the tree could not tell .

But it was just like an instant.

"Are you a man? Or a woman?"he heard the question of the silly tree he sat on..

"Man? Woman? I am not that. I just saw her going back. With that attitude. Then took that form. I just saw a man in the memory of a woman,took that form. Dear one. I am you too"said the boy playfully. And fell asleep.

Leaving the puzzled tree.

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