The man looked tired as he sat. All his works were getting no results. And his family. It was a mess. He was a boy from Delhi. His father had left him in a very young age. And he had come to Bombay,with lots of dreams. And he had managed to achieve them. With her. His beloved. They were of different religions. He,a boy of Islam. She a Hindu. Both had started off. Without even a proper home. He had started from small. A boy working in small garage. To now. A man in his middle age. With a chain of garages. With few thousands employees.

He knew. The path he has taken. It was dark. He had not hesitated to kick that man out,who was a master mechanic. Nor he had regretted making choices,when using subpar products. It happens. In business. He was a businessman also.

He had grown. Bigger and bigger. And she had smilingly accompanied him. But he could not forget that rich lady who had called him,to repair her cars. For years. Personally. Alone in her private villa. So now. He wanted to call someone to massage his aching back. What was wrong with that?

But she stood against it. She loved him. But with time. Love fades. What stayed was a comradeship. But that too was not there. What stayed was. A couple. Arranging parties once in a while. And parents of two kids .

She had started her own career long before. She was a writer. An amazing writer. Her books had started to sell. She was busy with them. She stood silent as they came and went. Their big mansion now smelled like dog house. She wanted to step away for a bit and breathe..

So she left..

And suddenly hit came. In one of his garages. A car loaded with drugs was found. And soon it was found that. It was one of the cars that his son had bought for his so called Girlfriend..

His whole world came crashing down. She stood with him. His so called friends stood with him. But he saw no regret. Not a bit in the eyes of his son. He was the son of a mother who had instilled ideals in him. But what he saw made him wonder. What did he give his children. Except for bank balance..

He and his wife never once fought. Never. Yes. At times she walked out. But now. She finally shouted. She wanted to break free. He sat stumped..

Few days. Somehow he managed. His business stayed and his son got free. But with it he saw. Just how dark his own hands were. When he used power and money to supress it. He had used it many times before. In the name of friendship, business. Now family. When it came to his own child,he finally found. The darkness he thought he had cleaned in the warm water flowing from the porcelain faucet,had actually seeped into his own home.

And he stood. On the beach. Looking at the rising sun. Wondering. There was worry in him. He had taken a huge risk. Opened a new shop.

And he saw a child playing in sand. Quitely. Building sand castles..

He walked up to him or her. Child is a child..

Kneeling down,he asked..

What was he doing..

The child laughed,babish laughter looking at him in joy. His eyes reflected the golden hue of sun that had not even rose.

He wondered. It was night. Sun has not risen. But how was it that the surrounding was so lit. Like the light could be touched by hands around the child playing..

The child extended his chubby arms towards him. To ask him to pick up. The man picked the child up and looked at him. The chubby child kissed his cheek a little. And looked around. As if shy. The man smiled a little..

And as the child continued to play. He put him down. Soon the child was running away and the man was chasing him. They were playing hide and seek in the open beach.

The child stilled for few moments.. And the man wondered why. He had never felt this free ever. It was like. He was free from all worries..

"What is your name darling?"he asked picking the kid up..

The child looked confused. As if he could not recall the name. Just as the man was about to say. It's okay..

The child finally smiled..

"Ali..My name is Ali..But Baba..I have few more names. Rama..Krishna..And few more. But you can call me Ali.."the child said in a serious tone as if a little adult..

The man laughed out loud. He wanted to make the child understand. Those were holy names..

But as he was about to open his mouth,he saw the space distort infront of him. As if he was very far away. The child waved him goodbye and turned around.

And the man woke up from daze. He had actually had a dream. A vivid dream..

He looked around. An experience? Was it?

No.. It was just. He had hope. He had a chance. To be happy..

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