Chapter 1

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"Hello," I ask. "Is this Scarlett," the manly voice says into the phone. "This is she," I say. "My name is King Ameer," he says. "Okay," I say half asleep.

"I would like your services," he says. "Okay," I say getting up. I grab a pen. "Location," l say. "My private jet is going to pick you up I emailed you the information," he says.

"Alright then I guess I will see you soon," I say hanging up. I check my emails the flight is tomorrow at three.

I start packing my bags. Before eating some left over pizza heading to bed around four A.M.

I roll over turning my alarm clock off. I put on a black sports bra with black sweatpants and a black jacket to cover my fallen angle tattoo.

My assassin name. I had it tattooed on me cause why not. Man do I regret it.

I take a taxi to the airport. My phone dings. "A car while pick you up -Ameer,". Cool.

I sit down on the jet putting my seatbelt. "Are you ready for take off," the flight attendant asks. I nod. She leaves. "Please put on your seat belt," the pilot says.

I make sure mines clicked all the way tightening. The plane starts moving my hands grip the arm rests. I hate flying.

Once we are in the air I'm good. It was a five hour flight. Talk about exhausting. I finally exit the plane. There is a tall guy who takes my luggage putting it in the car.

He opens the door shutting it behind me. I exit the car meeting an elder women and three men. She turns around waking into the castle. I follow behind her quietly.

She stops at a door. "What are you waiting for," I ask. "The King," she says. "How does he know your here," I ask. She ignores me. I push past her opening the door walking in.

He stands from his desk. The women and the three men bow as the women glares at me. "Bow," she snaps. I ignore her.

"You foolish child do as I say," she whispers quietly. "I don't bow," I snap meeting his eye. "Very well then," he says making the older women stop.

He opens his desk "leave us." They leave its just us now.

He hands me thick stack of papers. I read the first letter. "It's not normal for kings to get death treats," I mutter to myself.

"Actually they are rare and we can normally track them but this person we can't," he says. I nod. "Okay so there is some obvious precautions you will start taking," I say.

He nods leaning against the desk. "Your bedroom no windows. You will not go anywhere out of this place with out me and another guy," I say. "Balls are a definite no."

"That won't work princess," he says. "Don't call me that," I snap. "We have to have one ball in two weeks," he says.

"Why," I ask. "I have to find a wife," he says disappointment clear on his face. I nod "let's try to catch this person before then."

"What else," he asks. "I'm gonna need your schedule," I say. "I will have it too you in the morning," he says.

"Well that's it for now," I say. He nods waking to the door. "Chris show Scarlett to her room," he demands the guy bows his head lightly before mumbling a yes sir.

I follow the guy up a bunch of stairs too a room. It all white. Gross. It's huge though. My bags are placed neatly on the chair thingy at the end of my bed. Great.

"The King says he will see you for breakfast at 7 A.M sharp," Chris says before leaving and shutting the door behind him

I lock the door in packing my bags. I take a hot shower. Before climbing into the huge bed. I lay on my stomach closing my eyes.

"Scarlett," a musical voice whispers. "What," I mutter. "I've missed you," he says stepping closer wrapping his hand around my throat.

I sit up. "Get the key," I hear outside the door. I rub my eyes pushing the hair that was stuck to my face with sweat out of my eyes.

I look at my alarm clock it's 5:46. The door bursts open. Ameer and Chris are standing at the door.  "What," I ask when they just stare at me.

"Out," Ameer tells Chris. He leaves. "Are you okay," he asks. "Yeah," I say confused. "You were screaming," he says sitting down on the chair thingy at the end of my bed. 

"Oh uh sorry," I mutter sliding to the edge of my bed. "No it's okay," he says. I nod sitting awkwardly waiting for him to say something else.

Seeming to get the hint he stands up. "I'll see you at breakfast," he says. I nod watching his back as he shuts the door. I groan laying back on the bed.

I sit at the table waiting for Ameer. It's literally 7:15. I've been here since 6:55. I'm fixing to go back upstairs. Ameer finally enters the room. Everyone stands up except me.

The older women sighs glaring at me. I'm assuming that is his mother. She doesn't like me but I don't care.

"My apologizes I had some business to attend to," he says sitting down. I look at the maid adjusting her clothes. Business my ass. She catches my eye looking down a deep red covering her face.

Everyone sits down. He hands me a price of paper. "Me schedule."

The food is placed in front  of us. "You really are trying to die aren't you," I ask looking at him. The women coughs mumbling a  excuse me giving me a dirty look.

There is a small smile on Ameers face.  Today he has dinner with some family. Tomorrow there is supposed to be a parade. "You need to cancel the parade," I say.

"Oh my," the women mutters. We gonna fight. I'm gonna breaks her hip. "Why," he asks giving his mother a look. "Prefect time to kill," I say. He raises an eyebrow.

"Your exposed a sniper could easily hit you form the top of a building," I say. He nods "the parade has been tradition for centuries I can't cancel it."

"Okay well I'm gonna need to talk t your head of security before then," I say. He nods.

Wednesday he flies somewhere else. I don't even know how to pronounce it. He flies back the next Monday. The ball is to be held Friday. Prep for the ball is Tuesday to Friday.

I eat my breakfast. Then meat with Chris who is head of security. I explained some basic things of how we would run while I was here.

I also explained that the parade that has to happen is extremely dangerous. I explained that someone needed to be on top of every building and Ameer needs to be surrounded.

He said he would make sure everything was as I needed. Then we talked about how he was working to find the big threat.

Chris and I were the ones who would accompany him tonight and in his trip. I would walk with him at the parade and he would be on a building.

Protecting the KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang