Chapter 3

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We are on the way to his private jet. Did we yell at each other for almost two hours yesterday after I dragged him back to the castle. Yes.

Am I ignoring him. Also yes. If he doesn't listen to the smallest precautions he is going to get killed.

I exit the car gong to the back to get my bag where people are already getting it. We get on the jet.

I climb into a seat. I put my seatbelt on tightening it. "Are you ready for take of your highness," the flight attendant. He slips into the seat next to me putting his seatbelt on before telling her yes.

I close my eyes squeezing the arm rests as the plane catches speed going up. A warm soft hand goes over mins giving it a light squeeze.

Once we are finally in the air he moves from beside me to infront of me.

"So princess I have to ask what's fallen angle," he asks. "It was my assassin name," I say. He nods "where did it come from."

"My first job happened to be my ex. We broke up when we graduated but he used to call me Angle. When I did the job I messed up not killing him on impact. So I had to finish the job and he said the angle has fallen. It became a joke between my boss and the rest of us. So when I hade to decide my name there it was," I explain.

"You were an assassin," he asks. "I was," I say. He nods "can I ask why you had to kill your ex."

"When he was in collage he got really drunk and drove multiple times but he killed a little girl and her mom he did some other things too," I say.

He nods. "An assassin killed my dad," he says. "Oh I'm sorry," I mutter. "It's fine I was little and don't remember if anyway," he says.

Once the plane lands we go to his maternal grandparents house. As soon as the doors he older women hugs Ameer. Before her eyes set on me.

She starts reaching for me. Nobody has the chance to stop her before she's hugging me. I hug her back patting her bake.

She pulls away holding me at arms length. "You must be Ameers girlfriend," she says. "No nana she's the bodyguard mom told you about," Ameer corrects her.

"Your mother said she was an ugly bitch so I didn't realize this was her," she says turning to me "my apologies baby."

"It's okay," I say a small smile on my face. "Come in I was just finishing dinner," she says. Am we pulls out a chair motioning me to sit.

I comply sitting next to him. Chris sits in the chair across from me.

After we eat we sit at the table talking I help Jenna wash the dishes. "So any boyfriends," Jenna asks as I rinse a plate.

"No," I say the smile hasn't left my lips. "Girlfriend," she questions. "No I travel a lot for work," I say "nobody has ever wanted to settle down with me."

"You will find someone who will wait with you hand and foot," she says. "I know," I whisper. "I wasn't ready to settle when Dave was he waited for me for three years," she says smiling. Dave was her husband who passed a while ago.

"Scarlett you need to promise yourself something though," she says seriously as I put the last cup in the dish drainer.

I turn drying my hands looking at her. "When you do find love fight for it," she says "it's not easy but it's worth every fight."

My eyes drift from her for a second to Ameer who is joking with Chris. "I promise," I tell her.

Chris has family here so he is gonna see them while he is here. So it's just us three now. Since this is a small house there is only two bedrooms.

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