Chapter 16

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3 years later

We aren't trying to get pregnant. We have been exploring the world. We have trip planned for three weeks. We got back five weeks ago from the last one. We went to bora bora.

I shut the bathroom door locking it. I sit on the toilet Peeing on the test. It was so fucking hard to get this test. Everybody knows who I am.

I set the test on the counter. I'm not ready for a baby. I wanted to travel more. I put my head in my hands. Fuck. This wasn't our plan. When you have sex in a hot tub with out a condom this happens. "Scar" Ameer knocks in the door.

"What are you doing," he asks trying to open the door. None of your business. "Nothing," I call back. "Why is the door locked you never lock the door," he says suspicious.

This is true. He often randomly joins me in the shower after I get in. He also comes in when I'm using the bathroom.

"It was an accident," I say picking up the positive test throwing it in the trash can. I open the door. "Are you okay," he asks I nod. I may my head on his chest. I guess we are having a baby. He wraps his arms holding my tightly.

I break down into tears. I don't know why in crying. He tightens his hold. "What's wrong," he asks softly. I shake my head this isn't how he finds our he is gonna be a dad.

"Wanna get in the shower with me," he asks. I nod. We get in. "Ameer," I ask. "Yeah," he asks. "Are your ready for a baby or do you think we should wait longer," I ask.

"Both I know if you got pregnant right now I would be ready to settle down and raise it. If you don't then we don settle down just yet," he say "what do you think."

"I think we are ready but I do what to travel more," I say. "We can travel till your doctor says not to then after the baby comes we can bring it with us or leave it with my mom," he says.

I nod. "Are you pregnant," he asks. I shrug. "Did you miss your period," he asks. I nod. He suits off the water getting out wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Ameer," I whine. He starts getting dressed. "You can't just leave me in the middle of a shower," I say "it hasn't even gotten steamy yet."

I drop my towel grabbing some clothes. "I'm not fucking you till I know if your pregnant or not," he says. "It Wong hurt the baby," I say. "If your not pregnant ill fuck you till you can't walk. if you are we can make love," he says sliding his shoes on.

"Asshole," I mutter. "Don't piss while I'm gone," he says leaning down kissing my lips. "I love you," he says pulling away. "I love you be safe," I say.

Thirty minutes later he comes back with a box. HE pulls it out showing me it. "It says six day sooner from your last missed period," he says.

I open the box taking both tests out. I go into the bathroom Ameer following me. Yes I already took a test but he is gonna watch me pee on the stick so he has visible proof I'm telling the truth.

He would never cause me of lying but his mother. I rip bother the tests open with my mouth. I pull down my pants sitting on the toilet.

I pee on both sticks. I put the caps on setting them on the counter. I wash my hands. I jump on the counter staring at Ameer. "Come here," I say. He stands in front of me. I take his hand putting it on my chest.

My hearts racing. He looks up meeting my eyes. "My heart has not raced like this since we fucked for the first time," I say. He laughs taking my hand placing it on his also racing heart. "Mine hasn't raced like this since I saw you in your wedding dress ," he says.

I laugh lightly. The timer goes off we look down at the two positive tests. We look at each other at the exact some time. He picks me up off the counter carrying me to the bed. He sets me down.

He pulls of his shirt and shorts leaving himself in his boxers. He climbs ontop of me pulling my clothes off.

Nine months later

We decide to keep the gender a surprise. We have chosen Ansley as a girl and Bryan as a boy. I roll over trying to get comfortable. I have to pee again for the seventh fucking time. I get up. I don't even make it three steps before water goes everywhere and I get a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Ameer," I say loudly. He sits up. "Did you pose in the floor," he asks "I love you and I know Ansley is pushing your bladder but for real."

"Bryan isn't right now my water broke," I say with a matter of fact expression. I think it's a boy Ameer thinks it's a girl. Yeah

13 hours later

Ameer was right it's a girl. This is what our life is. I am so happy. I'm in love with a wonderful man who cares for me. I have a beautiful daughter.

I have everything I could ever want or need. All because I protected the king.

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