Chapter 13

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After what feels like forever Ameer comes into the room. I haven't moved from my spot on the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed running his fingers through my hair. I relax closing my eyes.

"Do you still wanna go to the beach," he asks. "Someone will Proably try to kill us there too," I say with a ton of sarcasm.

Ameer frowns. "They got the guy," he says. I sit up "don't you see it's not about the one guy. There will always be another guy. And I can't keep you safe because you distract me. And one day your gonna distract me and we are both gonna get shot. Then we will be dead."

"I distract you," he says. "Yes do you know how long it used to take me to realize you had guards," I ask.

I don't let him answer before I talk again "I was almost to late noticing the guy."

"Scarlett baby it's out honey moon not your job," he says "I have people hired to protects both of us so you can enjoy yourself and relax for once."

I roll my eyes climbing into his lap. "They aren't as smart Ameer they wouldn't of noticed if I didn't," I say. "Yes baby they would off they were watching him but when he ran when you saw him the lost him," he says.

"No," I whine. "Are you crying," he asks trying to pull away so he can look at my face. "Don't move," I whine again.

"It's okay," he says rubbing my back. "Just stop distracting me," I say. He chuckles "I like that I'm distracting you," he says.

"Whatever," I say. "So beach yes or no," he asks. "What do you wanna do," I ask. "Let's go," he says. I nod getting up.

I put my swimsuit back on. We grab lunch and head to the beach. We set up our stuff at a couple of chairs. I pull my sun dress off putting on a bunch of sunscreen.

After spending a while tanning we decide to get in the water. I didn't want to get my hair wet because it gets dried out really easy. So I didn't go where I couldn't touch. A wave could easily pick me up and pull me under.

Then I'm dead and my hair is dried out. Ameer dips his head under. He comes back up wiping his eyes. He looks at me with a devilish smirk.

"No," I say as he reaches for me. I tried to run but it didn't work. He grabs my waist picking me up. "Please Ameer," I beg clinging to him.

"I'll put you down on one condition," he says. "What," I ask. "Kiss me," he says. I roll my eyes giving him a kiss. He loosens his grip to where I can move away.

His hands are on my hips. He kisses my nose moving back from me. I frown moving back into him. He smiles wrapping his arm around my waist. I lean my chin on his shoulder.

The sun has started setting so we are on the way to eat dinner.

We eat dinner then go back to our room. I set my stuff down on the table sliding me shoes off. I turn to face Ameer who has his back to me.

I step forward wrapping my arms around his waist standing on my tippy toes. I look over his shoulder. "What are you doing," I ask.

"Your very clingy today," he says. "Sorry," I say stepping away from him. He turns around grabbing my wrist making me stumble into him. I was trying to walk away.

My back is against the counter and he is in front of me. "I didn't mean it like that scar," he says. I nod. He grabs my chin making me look at him. "I really didn't baby," he says "I love you." I smile leaning into his touch once again.

His phone rings. He grabs it putting it to his ear. "Hello," he says sounding annoyed. "What."

He sound angry now. I look up at him. He steps away from me turning on the tv. He changes the channel pulling up the news.

Today's breaking news

"King ameer and so called queen scarlet we spotted running throw the shops in San fae. As you can see her this guys tosses a gun to Scarlett and she runs with the king. Nobody had heard from either of them since this."

He pause for a second looking to the side. "This just in Scarlett shot someone in there hotel room. Press has been watching there room since that got there and haven't heard anything if you know what I mean," he says laughing.

"Your getting a call," someone of set says. He takes the phone putting it on speaker. Fucking dunbass. "Hello," he says.

"You have ten minutes to correct this mistake before you hear from my lawyers," Ameer says. I didn't even realize he had called. "For what exactly," he asks.

"Harassment," ameer says "and whatever I can pin on you."

"I have to say," he starts but ameer cuts him off. "No I will not listen to you fix your mistake and stay the hell out of mine and my wife's business." He says hanging up the phone.

He sets his phone down. He storms to the door ripping it open. He yells some not nice things before the door is once slammed shut again.

Fuck does he mean you can't hear anything if you know what I mean. He stands in front of the tv with his arms crossed.

He glances at his watch. After ten minutes he makes a call. One call is all it took. The guy is now stumbling over his words and sweating. "Cut the camera," he says standing up.

"What did you do," I ask as he turns the tv off. "He likes minors," he says shrugging. I nod. "Now back to what I was doing," he mumbles under his breath going back to the counter.

After a second he turns to face me. "Turn around," he says. I turn. He puts the necklace around me neck clipping it.

I turn to face him. "Thank you," I say standing on my tippy toes to kiss him.

He wraps his arms around my waist pulling my closet.

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