Chapter 7

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I grab the bag from under my bed actually two bags. I open them up loading my pistols. I get my sniper that has my name on it and load it too putting it over my shoulder.

I grab another dagger. Water droplets fall onto the bed from my hair. I sigh running my hands over my face. Okay let's do this.

"What's going on," Ameer asks. "His men will be here soon," I say. I leave the room they follow behind me. "I thought you were dead," I say. "Everybody did," he says holding his hand out. I place the pistols with extra clips into his hands.

"Let's go," he says walking beside me. Once we hit the bottom of the stairs. Devan sergios son is loading a gun. "Take this to the roof please," I say handing Chris my sniper.

We walk out the door side by side. Stepping down the steps. As we walk in slightly infront of them. I come face to face with my dad favorite guy. He steps toward glaring down at me.

The smirk never fall from my face. "When I win I'm gonna finally have my way with you," he whispers in my ear. I grab my dagger stabbing him in the heart.

"Never threaten to rape a women," I growl pulling my dagger out. I wipe his blood on his shirt quickly carving a halo.

"Whose next," I ask. Most guys here were forced to Submit to them. A huge group of guys turn leaving. A small groups doesn't.

We kill off most of them. Some have hidden. "Go," Devan yells. He's telling me to go the roof. I take of running into the castle and up the stairs. Ameer follows me. Chris hands me the gun. I position myself properly.

"What's going on I thought you said this was over," Ameer asks. "Shut up," I snap shooting the guy Devan was fighting.

Sergio is pinned to the ground. I shoot that guy making blood cover his face. "Fucking disgusting," he yells. "Sorry," I yell back. I shoot the sniper that was aiming at me.

After everyone was dead one by one Sergio and Devan held there guns into the air. I do the same with my sniper. When anyone is trained this is how you are taught to do everything. You are prepared for every situation.

Two hours later

Sergio and Devan just left. I sigh heading back to my room. I open the door throwing my guns onto the bed. I strip from my mud and blood covered dress scrubbing every inch of my body.

After my shower I finish putting my guns away. "Hey," Ameer says my door is open. "Hi," I mutter cleaning my dagger. "Here," he says handing me an envelope.

"Thank you," I say setting it on my side table. "So when do you plan to leave," he asks. "Tomorrow," I say. "What time," he asks. "Around three," I say. He nods.

"I appreciate what you've done for me scar," he says. "It's what I do best," I say throwing my bag of my bed.

I walk around the room gathering my stuff folding some of my clothes softly. Ameer grabs my sides turning me towards him.

He places his lips on mine. I kiss back standing on my tippy toes. He squeezes my hips making me gasp. He sticks his tongue in my mouth meeting my own tongue.

His hands try to reach for my pants. I push him away. He stumbles back looking confused. I counting folding my clothes.

"What if I said I don't want you to leave," he questions. "I'd say tuff shit. I'm not gonna stay here and be somebody's whore. I love what I do and I'm not changing it for someone who can badly keep it in there pants," I scoff.

"Wow," he mutters "you are." He pauses looking for words. "I am a prize if you want me you have to earn me," I finish the last shirt.

Throwing it in my suitcase. "Have safe plane ride," he says turning and leaving. I quickly finish packing.

The next day

I slam my apartment door behind me. I got up before Ameer woke and left. No point in staying till three.

I plop onto my bed I am so done. So done. I expected him to fight atleast tell me goodbye in the morning. I should of never let myself think anything could ever become of us.

I open the fridge getting a beer out of it. I take the cap of shifting through my mail. Most of its trash.

Two weeks later

I just got back from another job. I wipe my face once again hot tears still covering my face. I couldn't save her. This women was getting death threats on her three year old daughter.

I went so far as sleeping in the same bed with them. I tried to guard her body I wasn't quick enough. It's my fault this women doesn't get to hold her baby.

"Fuck," I yell throwing the a cup into the wall. "Damn it," I sob falling to the floor. I fucked up. This is my fault.

I gasp for air as sons break through my chest. "Damn it," I whisper. I grab my chest pulling my shirt away from it.  It's my fault.

I'm laying on my bed now. On my back staring at the feeling. I groan as someone knocks on my door. "Unless your here to kill me then I'm not home," I yell cringing at the sound of my voice. The door knob twists. I slide of the bed to the side grabbing my dagger.

I pounce pressing my knife to there neck. "What are you doing," Ameer asks. "Get out," I growl throwing my dagger on my side table climbing into bed under the covers.

He tries to pull the covers down. I grab his wrist sitting up. "Do not touch me," I snap "matter of fact get the fuck out."

"Why are you crying," he asks. I groan. I could make him get out I just don't have the energy. I ignore him. "Scar," he says. "What," I snap. "Why are you crying." He asks.

"Cause I can why are you here," I ask. "You said if I wanted you to fight for you so that's what I'm doing. I want you," he says. For fucks sake. I start getting up.

I start to grab his body to get him out of here. "I love you," he says making me freeze. "No you don't," I say shoving his chest. He pisses me off.

"Yes I do," he says trying to grab my wrists. "Two weeks it took you too weeks," I yell. "No it didn't I came here the day after you left and you were already gone," he says.

I shove his chest really hard making him stumble back. "I hate you," I say "you piss me off and your a whore." "I'm done being a whore. I'm gonna piss you off though," he says.

""Your supposed to be getting married," I say. "That's the thing is I want you too marry me," he says.

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