Chapter 9

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"I never said I would marry you," I say. "I know but it made her leave," he says. I nod. He grabs my face kissing me again.

He pushes me back so I'm leaning against the desk. He picks me up setting me on the desk. "We need to talk," I say pushing him away.

"Okay," he says sitting down. "What now," I ask. "Either we get married or we don't," he says. "I think we should," I say. "You do," he says seeming confused.

"You love me I wanna love you so why not," I ask. "Because you don't actually love me," he says bitterly. "Yeah but I'm trying and I'm gonna," I say.

"What if you don't," he asks. "Then I'll shoot myself in the head," I say. "That's not funny," he says. "Yes it is you big baby," I say rolling my eyes. He opens the top drawer to his desk pulling out a ring box.

He bends down on one knee opening the book. "Scarlett Taylor will you marry me," he asks. "Yes," I say. He takes my finger slipping the beautiful engagement ring onto it.

I'm either making the best decision or tuning my life. There will be no em between.  He stands up pulling me off the desk. I wrap my arms around his neck his arms around my waist. I kiss his lips then lay my head on his shoulder. He holds me close.

The next day

Knocking on the door wakes Ameer and I. "What," Ameer groans his grip around my waist tightening. No we didn't have sex. Truth be told I never had. I was waiting for marriage. It was hard. There was many times I almost gave it up.

I just reminded myself how much it would grown my bond with my husband.

"May I come in," his mother says. I cover my face with the covers. She can see I'm in here but I look like shit so.

"Whatever," Ameer says. "So we need to talk," she says. He sighs. "You need to propose to," she starts before letting a gasp slip. "You gave the who're your grandmothers ring," she says sounding shocked.

For fucks sake. Ameer groans loudly. "Yes it's traditions for the queen to have that damn ring as far as being a whore if she is one so are you," he says.

She huffs. "Once your properly dressed we must discusse the weeding and the engagement ball that will take place in two days," she says.

"Okay," Ameer says. "Not you Scarlett balls are the queens business," she says shutting the door behind her.

"She told your ass," I whisper in covering my face.  I snuggle my head back into his neck my hand on his shoulder.

"Come on let's get up," he says yet makes no move to shove me away. "I don't wanna," I mumble closing my eyes.

"I know," he says.  I'm half asleep by now.  Ameer kisses the top of my head rubbing soothing circles on my hip.

A loud knock makes me jump. I sigh finally sitting up.

I quickly shower putting on some leggings a a shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun. Then I put on some light make up.

I leave the bathroom sitting on the edge of Ameers bed putting my socks on. Ameer enter the room with two plates in his hands. He shuts the door with his foot before walking to the bed handing me a plate.

"Thank you," I say. He nods pecking my lips sitting down infront of me. "So how many kids do you want," he asks. I hesitate at first.

If we are gonna be married he has the right to know. "I uh I don't want any kids," I say. He look up meeting my eyes.

"Why," he asks. "I would not make a good mom," I say. "I think you would," he reply's. "I wasn't trained to be a mom," I say looking down.

"No one is trained to be a parent," he says. "Yeah I know that," I say. I would bunt a child out a window if it cries for very long. My patients is trash.

I finish my food looking back up to Ameer. "Your lying," he says. "No im not," I say defensively.

"It's fine we can talk about it later," he says taking my plate from my hands and walking out of the room. Oh fucking k.

I get up putting some shoes on before also leaving the room.

I walk around hunting for his mom. I finally find her on the garden sitting on a bench infront of a water fountain.

I sit next to her. Silence for the most part the water fountain is making noises. "The ball is supposed to be white and gold," she says "give me three colors for your dress."

"I thought," I start. "I know but your stubborn," she says cutting me off. "Blue yellow and red," I tell her. She nods getting up.

Once she's gone I rush upstairs to Ameers room. I open my suitcase and grab my sketch book and pencils.

It haven't done it in years becuase I haven't really had time. I bought these the other day hoping to starts again. I go back outside sitting down on the bench. I slowly start sketching a water fountain.

I don't do all of it just the part that the water falls from. I add some flours with it. It doesn't look exactly like it but similar.

Hands go on my shoulders and a gentle kiss is placed on my neck. "I didn't know you could draw," Ameer says.

"I haven't done it in a while," I say as he sits next to me. "What time is it," I ask. "11:23," he says looking at his watch.

I shut my book standing up. Ameer stands up too grabbing my hand.


"It's so pretty," I tell Ameer. "I know it peaceful too," he says. I nod sitting on the edge of the fountain. My fingers grazing the water.

He sits next to me placing his hand on my hip roughly shoving me. I lose my balance and fall face first into the fountain.

I stand up soaking wet covered in water.  I glare at him. He holds his hand out so I can step out without falling.

I grab his hand tugging on it making him fall too. He stands up glaring at me. He splashes me making me scream. I splash him back laughing.

He finally stops climbing out. He grabs my waist lifting me out. He sets me down staring into my eyes.


"Are you okay," Ameer asks holding to door open for me. I nod walking in as he follows.  That day was fun. It made me realize that I cared about him.

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