Chapter 2

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I knock on Ameers door. We need to talk about the parade and tonight. The door opens revealing a half dressed Ameer with shaving cream on his face.

He lets me in going back to his bathroom. I follow leaning against the counter watching as he shaves. "What did you need princess," he asks.

"Since you insist on doing your parade you need to make it as short as you can the less time your out the better," I say. He nods "so I have to ask how do you know this."

"What do you mean," I ask confused. "You know every angle of every possible situation," he says. "I was trained to do my job correctly and not halfway. People die when you don't do what your supposed to," I say leaving.

I have to get dressed any way. I put a simple black jeans and a black shoulder less top. It's the nicest thing I have. I put a light cardigan over it to cover my shoulder.

There's a small knock on my door. I open it seeing Chris. "Ready to go," he asks. I nod following him out. We stand at the front door area waiting for Ameer.

Alert finally comes downstairs. Chris bowing to him. "Shall we," he asks. I nod. I slide into the back seat leaving the middle open between me and Ameer. Chris is driving.

I stood against a wall staring at a wall for almost two hours. Perks of being security I guess. Finally we are getting ready to leave.

I step out side walking in front of Ameer. We exit the house walking down the street to the car. "Hey there," a creepy group of guys says walking in front of standing in my way.

Standing inches away from him. "Move," I demand. He grabs my waist. "Hey," Ameer starts. "Don't," I snap.

"Take her jacket," he demands the other. I let him tug my cardigan off feeling him freeze behind me. "Fallen angle," he whispers.

"Oh your his bitch," he asks pushing me away. "No I am the bitch," I say swinging my fist into his eye. I snatch my cardigan from the guy.

"Anybody else," I ask. They shake there head not looking at me. I continue walking. I climb into the car. As soon as the door shuts I turn to Ameer. He is fixing to say something.

"Do not ever do that again," I snap sounding harsher then I meant. "I as trying to stop them," he says glaring at me.

"It's not your job. I protect you not the other way around. I don't need you to protect me," I say. My reputation does it just fine.

I'm very well known so. "You don't have to be such a bitch," he snaps glaring at me. "I don't care who you are. You do not get to call me a bitch. You think cause your king you can do whatever you want. No wonder someone's trying to kill you," I say my voice raising slightly. I open the car door slamming it behind me. Storming into the house.

I slam my bedroom door shut locking it. I storm around the room throwing my shoes and cardigan somewhere.

I grab the vase on my dresser throwing it at the wall. It shatters glass and water scattering across the ground.

I sigh stripping of my clothes getting into the shower trying to calm down. Once I'm out of the shower I put on some leggings and a sports bra.

The glass and water is cleaned up and it's been replaced. There is a knock on the door. I open it meeting Chris.

"What," I ask. "I wanted to make sure you were okay," he says. "I'm fine thank you," I say leaving the door open walking away. I grab my cup chugging the rest of my water.

I contemplate breaking the cup to. Just chunking it at the wall. Anger issues at there finest. I set the cup down before my arm does what my mind wants it to.

Chris is leaning against the door frame. "Right we'll I think it's fine for me too head to bed. Thank you for checking on me," I say.

He nods saying night before leaving shutting the door behind him.

I climb into bed snuggling into the covers falling fast asleep.

The next day

I pull on the black skinny jeans buttoning them. To match the jeans a black king sleeve crop top. Black sneckers of course.

I brush my hair putting it into a bun. I'm packing. I mean I'm carrying a knife. Chris carries two guns so it easier for me just to carry a knife.

I walk down the stairs entering the dinning room. Ameer is already here. I sit down in the chair as far from him as I can get.

"Still acting like a child," he asks. "If your still acting like a dick," I say fake smiling. A small smile dances across his face.

"Your gonna let her talk to you like that," his mom asks. "Yes," he says.

Finally it's fine for this stupid parade. I nod slightly at Chris on the roof. Ameer waves at a group of little kids. They smile. One of them slips away from there mother rubbing too him.

He bends down picking her up. He stops handing her back to her mom. "I'll come see you later," he says. She nods going to her mom.

We continue walking. "Scarlett on your left," Chris says into my ear. Headset thing obviously. I grab the guys wrist pulling my knife pressing it to his neck. The height difference makes it hard.

"Drop it," I say. He doesn't listen. I kick in the back of his knee making him fall. I grab his wrist twisting it behind his back making him release the knife.

A police officer puts him in handcuffs taking him from me. I turn around walking back next to Ameer. Chris joins us.

"Impressive," Ameer whispers smiling. "This needs to end now," I whisper back keeping my face emotionless.

I scan the area looking for snippers. I make eye contact with a guy wearing a devaluations smirk. I put my hand on Chris's lower back reaching for his gun. I snatch it just at the other guy pulls one out.

"Duck," I say shooting the guy. I hand Chris his gun grabbing Ameers arm. "This is over now," I snap pulling him with me. Or trying.

"Come on its almost over," he says. "Your not a child this is your life," I say. He stops walking. "If you play dirty I'm gonna play dirty," I whisper twisting his arm behind his back.

"Scarlett," he snaps. A collective gasp fills the air. Apparently nobody had but this idiot in his place.

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