Chapter 8

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His head turns to the side as my hand went across his face. "What was that for," he asks rubbing his red check. "You piss my off," I say. "Why cause I love you and I wanna get married," he asks.

"Yes," I say. "Cause I make you weak. Your walls fall with and for me. And it makes you sick because you never allow yourself to be weak," he says.

"Fuck you," I growl. "Gladly baby," he says. I shove his chest. "Just fucking leave Ameer," I growl. "No," he says.

"Get out for fucks sake your just gonna fucking hurt me," I yell on accident. I yelled on purpose. "No im not god damn I wanna fucking marry you. I want you to have my fucking kids," he yells back.

"I can't believe you," I yell falling to the bed. "God damn it scar," he groans.

"This is my number if you want to get married you have until Friday at 12 P.M. If you do not call I will have to marry someone else," he says.

He hands me the paper. He stops at the door. "Just know I'm gonna tell my kids about you when they ask what love is." Fucking dunbass.

Once the door shuts another sob leaves my mouth.

2 hours later

I'm at the store getting candy. Cause why not and blue hair dye.

Once I get home I lock the door.  I open the hair dye box. I put it in waiting fourth five minutes.

I wash it out and the bottom half of my hair is blue. I flip down on my bed letting my wet hair hand over the side.

I look at the piece of paper with the number.


"It's not funny," I say. I turn walking up the steps. "I'm sorry but you should see you," he says laughing. I roll my eyes. We were paining for the ball and I got paint all over myself.

I slip falling face first into the stairs. Answer laughs. I groan shooting him a glare. He holds his hand out. I take it tugging it Harley making him slip and roll down the stairs.

I bust out laughing as he groans getting up. His stare turns cold. Fuck. "I'm gonna get you," he says. I scream dashing up the stairs. I hid under my bed.

A couple seconds go by and my ankle is grabbed and I'm pulled from under the bed.  His hands go to my side tickling my. I laugh thrashing around.

Flashback over

I pick up my phone typing the number. No this isn't how I'm gonna tell him. I'll just go see him. I book a flight packing a bag I leave tomorrow morning.

I climb into bed still half crying.


"Come on," Ameer says opening his arms. I give him a confused. I just said night to Jenna. "Your gonna end up here any way," he says.

I smile climbing onto the bed laying into him. He rubs my back sending me into a deep sleep.

The next day

I step of the plain. I don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it. I find a taxi to take me to the castle. "Your that princes security," the cab driver says. I nod slightly climbing out of the car. She opens the trunk.

I pull my bag out. She walks over pointing a gun at me. I hit the back of her arm breaking it snatching the gun.

"Get back in you piece of shit car and get the duck out of here before I kill you," I snap. She does so.

I climb up the steps leaving my bags near the door. I take of running to his office. I stop pressing my ear to the door.

"No I will wait for her she is it for me," Ameer yells. "A princess is what you will marry," his mom yells. "She will be my fucking queen," he yells. "Not if she doesn't choose you," she yells back.

I open the door cutting off there argument. "Scarlett,"  Ameer says. "This isn't over," his mom says slamming her shoulder to mine. I grab her wrist turning and meeting her eye.

"Actually it is," I say. She tries to snatch her wrist back. I let it go and she almost falls. She storms out and I slam the door behind her.

She is fucking annoying. "Scarlett," he says letting out a breath. "Ameer," I say.  He just stars at me. He goes to say something but there is a loud knock on the door.

"What," Ameer snaps. "Princess Leigh wishes to speak to you," someone says through the door. "Tell her not today," he says. His eyes never left me.

"So your here," he says. "I am," I say looking around the room. "You have blue hair," he says. I nod. 

"Why are you here," he asks. Time to cut the bullshit. "I Uh I wanna be honest with you," I say. He nods. My heart is racing.

"I don't think I'm in love with you," I say. Hurt crosses his features. "But I wanna be. I care about you," I say.

"You wanna be in love with me," he asks. I nod. That all it takes for him to grab my waist smashing his lips to mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck kissing back. He breaks away picking me up. My back hits the couch. His lips attack mine again.

He groans pulling away when some one knocks on the door. He stands up storming to the door. He opens it and that girl I told I would fuck her dad. Jumps on him.

Trying to kiss him. He shoves her away as gently as possible. "Ask me to marry you," she demands. "He can't sweetheart," I say. She looks at me.

"Why I'm a princess," she says. I stand up walking towards them. She cowers back. "I'm engaged," he says.

"Whatever," she says with a huff. He shuts the door behind her locking the door.

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