Chapter 5

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We got home yesterday. We are still no closer to finding out who this other person is. We have to start preparing for this stupid fucking ball.

A knock on my door snaps my from thought. I open the door greeting Ameer.

"You have a dress to try on tomorrow for Friday," he says. He wants me to wear a dress and clearly I don't want too.

"Wanna fight with me," he asks. "What," I ask. "Sword fight," he says. "Okay," I nod following him. 

He hands me a sword. The covers still on it. I take it. He swing I block it. This is how we continue for a while until. He manages to get my sword away from my hand. I quickly bend to pick it up.

Ameer charges to me. I stand meeting him as his face comes close to mine. My sword falls to the ground. The wind blows carrying my hair out of my face.

He pushes the flat part against my back making me step foes forward. He leans in smashing his lips to mine. I kiss back standing on my tippy toes. I wrap my arms around his neck my hands going to his hair. His award fall to the ground.

What the fuck am I doing. I push Ameer away disgusted with myself. I turn around dashing out of the garden into the house.

I slam my bedroom door shut behind me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What did I do.

The next day

A soft knock on my door then it opens. "Yes," I say looking at the maid. "It's time for you to try on your dress," she says.

I nod following her too a room full of dresses. She uncovers the beautiful black dress. "Ameer picked it out," she says. I nod taking it from her.

I put it on quickly. "Scarlett," Chris says. "What," I ask looking away from the mirror. "We got snipers," he says. "Let's go," I say.

We take of full on sprinting up stairs to the roof. My bare feet hit the steps leaving light thuds. My dress in my hands trying to pick up pace.

I reach the top and a sniper is placed into my hands. I aim. I take out one. Then the other. The last takes of but I manage to get him.

I dash back down the stairs. I know who it is. I change back to normal clothes. I walk into Ameers office. The maid is on her knees for him.

"For fucks sake," I say leaving slamming the door behind me.

Ten minutes later the maid comes out. I walk in. "Does the name Alexander Taylor ring a bell," I ask. "The assassin," he says. "Yes," I yell. I figured it out.

"He is who is trying to kill you," I say. "Why," he asks. "I need your dads files," I say. He nods getting up and walking to a filing cabinet across the room.

He motions to it. "This is it," he says. I get up going to them.

Five hours later

"Oh my god," I breath out putting my head in my hands. Not only did I uncover what happened but my families dirty secrets too.

Oh my god. "What," he asks. "My dad is Alexander," I say "my mom slept with your dad and had Conner. Your dad took Conner. Your parents started raising him. My mom tried to take him back and was killed. My dad went into a blind rage and killed your dad. Now he is trying to get to Conner to be king. He is killing you for the throne," I finish.

"Oh my god," he says. "That means Conner is my half brother and he hit on me," I say in disgust. "But there is no relation between us," he says. "No we have different parents," I say.

"Thank god," he says smashing his lips to mine again. Oh my fuck. I push him away. "No that is extremely un professional," I say trying to push him away.

"Scarlett have you ever lived other then protecting and killing people," he asks. "Yes," I snap. "So you just don't wanna kiss me," he asks. "That's not what I said," I start. He cuts me off placing his lips on mine.

This time I kiss back leaning into him. He rubs the outside of my thigh tapping it. He breaks away picking me up. He kisses me again placing me on his desk.

I pull away out of air. He kisses my neck. A soft sigh leaves my lips.

A loud knock on the door startled us. I quickly push Ameer away sliding of the desk into a chair. I rub his saliva of my neck.

I kinda sat in Ameers seat. It's fine. Chris and Conner come in. "Hey sexy," Conner says. Ewww. "Your not gonna wanna call me that brother," I say.

"Damn I got bro zoned," he says. Flopping into a chair. I go into explain we are half brother and sister. He was pissed and stormed out. Five minutes later his mom comes in cussing at me.

So that was fan fucking tastik. I've locked myself in my room avoiding everyone. Ameer who is confusing me. His mom who wants to kill me. Conner who now cringes every time he looks at me. The maid who was sucking Ameers dick.

So just avoiding. I sigh throwing the paper ball in the air not catching it. I climb of my bed looking for it. What the fuck. I let out an ear bleeding scream. The door busts open.

"What the fuck," I yell. "What," Chris yells. He looks under the bed. Snakes. Dead snakes are under my bed.

He knows I know. It's gonna be a war. He is watching me now for sure. Ameer holds his hand out helping me up if the floor. Chris gets a box and some gloves to get the snakes. Snakes are indeed his signature.

"There's a note," Chris says getting the last snake. I take the paper unfolding it.

"I see you angle and I'm gonna catch you before you fall - Daddy."

What in the Kentucky fried fuck. He used my name and made a funny that is extremely stupid. This isn't gonna end easy and fast.

It will be an all out war and I will win or die trying. "Why do you and your dad hate each other is much," Conner asks.

"Being forced to follow your fathers footsteps is enough alone. He used to take me in missions with him and rape women. He said. You will be strong you will fight stronger then every man you came face to no own will touch you without consent," I say.

"Ahh the childhood trauma," the maid chuckles. The whore maid to be exact.

Fuck me side ways and call me daddy she's in in this shit too. Grabbing Chrises gun pointing it at her.

"Lift your shirt," I demand. She lifts her shirt sure enough she's got the mark. He marked his women. I pistole whip sending her tumbling to the ground.

This will not end good.

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