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Saiki POV

It's been a few days since the new girl, L/n, showed up to our class and it seems like people are finally acting normal again. I still have no idea why I can't read her mind and I have tried several times to figure out the reason but nothing seems to add up. She doesn't seem like she would be a psychic but maybe she's good at hiding it like me. It honestly doesn't matter, but I want to make sure that she isn't someone that will mess with my life.

The school day ended about an hour ago and I decided to head over to a new café that I saw that serves coffee jelly. The café is somewhat hidden, almost overlooked between two larger stores so I shouldn't see anyone I know from school. I walk in the door and instantly regret my decision when I see Mera and the new girl working.

'Of course,' I roll my eyes internally. I still want to get the coffee jelly so maybe if I sit somewhere away from them maybe they won't end up serving me. I move over to a booth that is away from where they are and hope that I have some luck to my day. But I quickly realize that God is not on my side when L/n walks over to my booth.

"Hey you're Saiki, right? I sit right in front of you in class," she says. I just nod and hope that this will be over soon. Suddenly, a group of older women roars out in laughter at whatever they were talking about. I cringe, the noise practically making my ear bleed. 

"Actually," she starts and I find myself hoping that she'll just leave me alone, "would you be willing to follow me? There's another spot in the café that I think you might enjoy better."

I am a little confused but decide to follow her since I can't really say no. She turns and doesn't wait for me so I follow her towards the back of the café and see that she brings me towards several small tables that are blocked off from the rest of the café with a divider decorated with vines and twinkling lights. She places the menu down on one of the small wooden tables and looks back up at me with a small smile.

"Is this okay?" She asks. I look around and realize that this is actually a pretty nice spot. It is away from the rest of the busy and loud café and it allows for me to have my own privacy. I nod and sit down.

"Would you like some more time to look at the menu? Or are you ready?" She asks. I point to the coffee jelly and she nods her head in understanding.

"Okay, I'll go grab that for you," then walks off. I am still puzzled as to why she had me move here but I'm not complaining. Maybe she has some psychic abilities that tell her people's intentions? But if so, I would assume by now she would've said something to me about them. Even though she's not the only person I can't read the thoughts of, she doesn't seem to be as brain-dead as Nendo so all this doesn't add up.

In class earlier, I had to interact with l/n for a stupid turn-and-talk teacher question. Usually, you would end up talking to someone next to you but for some reason, the teacher decided to have everyone stay in their rows so she had to turn around to talk to me. It was a dumb question that I didn't need to talk to anyone about but no one ever cares what I want. L/n turned around with a small smile and messy notes in her lap and started going on and on about the scientific theory we were talking about at the moment. She was annoying but at least she wasn't stupid, in fact, she was actually pretty smart. We had to work two more times on some of the lab questions but after the turn-and-talk, she didn't really say much, which was fine by me.

L/n comes around the corner and places the coffee jelly in front of me softly and says, "I'll be around so don't hesitate to ask for anything." But before she walks away I blurt, like an idiot, the question that had been on my mind since I sat down.

"Why'd you have me sit here." She stops in her tracks and turns back to face me. She looks over my face for a few seconds and flashes another small smile.

"I just got a feeling that you don't like the crowds and dealing with the whole people thing, so I figured you'd like this spot better," she says with a grin. She observes my face, which is probably void of emotion, and takes a few steps back towards the table. "Can I tell you a secret?" She questions quietly, fidgeting with her fingers.

I nod my head in agreement since I can't really say no but I'm still curious, maybe she'll reveal that she's a psychic. She leans in over the table a little and whispers "I can read people's minds." My eyes widen in shock when suddenly L/n bursts into laughter, a horrendous cackle, and her hand flies to her mouth to muffle some of the noise. In between giggles, she says, "you should've seen your face." L/n finally calms down and takes a few deep breaths and continues, "No, I don't have any powers, I'm just messing with you. But let me know if you need anything!" She says with another grin and walks off to go tend to other customers.

After I process what the hell just happened, I peacefully eat my coffee jelly for a while enjoying the quiet atmosphere. The divider actually blocks a lot of the sound so it does feel more relaxed where I'm sitting. I think if I can sit here, I'll definitely be coming back and the coffee jelly isn't half bad either.

So L/n doesn't have any powers? I find that hard to believe since she decided that moving away from the noise of the café would be something that I would like. Perhaps she's testing me to see if I am also a psychic? The more I think about it, the bigger my headache becomes. Speaking or rather thinking of, L/n comes around the corner and sees that my bowl is empty.

"Are you all set?" She asks. I nod again and go to grab my money but she holds up her hand to stop me.

"Don't worry about it," she says. I shake my head and go to hand her the money but she crosses her arms in front of herself.

"Saiki, it's okay, they won't realize that one coffee jelly wasn't paid for, seriously it's on the house, my treat."

I sit there in shock (again) and after realizing that she's serious, I stand up and give her a small bow to show my appreciation. As I'm putting my money away she laughs a little and grabs my empty coffee jelly dish.

"Alright, I'll see you in class on Monday, kay?" L/n say with a wink as she walks back towards the kitchen.

As she walks away I can't help but get a weird feeling in my stomach. I shake it off and decide that it was because I stood up so quickly. I grab my bag and head out the café doors.

'What a strange girl.'

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