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It's another nice day and Kusuo and I are taking a walk around the park after school, hand in hand. We talked about the whole PDA and comfort level thing. We decided that at school, it should be kept to a minimum, since Teruhashi is a dumb bitch and Kusuo would prefer to stay under the radar. I agreed since having to deal with Chiyo and Chisato every time I touched Ku was already getting on my nerves. But when it comes to at home or somewhere where there's not a lot of people, PDA was okay. As long as it was consensual. I'm glad we talked about it, setting some boundaries and figuring out how we want this relationship to go makes me feel happy. I don't need to worry about what's okay and not anymore. We walked in the usual silence but it's not like I mind anyway. We make our way back up the steps of my apartment and I smile up at Kusuo.

"I'll see you later, okay?" I ask and he nods, kissing me softly.

'See you later, dream girl.'

My heart nearly explodes, how can someone be so sweet? I am falling more in love with him by the second that it's not even funny. I watch him walk away a few steps before he teleports. He said he had to help his dad with something around the house but he'll come over later to continue the anime we're watching together. As I put the key in the lock, I realize that it's already open. Confused because I know I never forget to lock the door, I push the door open and see my Dad, with his back to me in the kitchen.

"Dad?" I ask and he turns around quickly.

"Y/n darling, hello," he says as he stands there awkwardly, hands behind him as he leans back on the counter. I tighten my hand around my backpack strap. "How're you-?"

"What are you doing here?" I question aggravatedly, cutting him off and he sighs, looking down from my gaze.

"Sorry I haven't been around, things have been pretty busy recently." He answers while looking at the dining table. It's quiet, I don't try to say anything since I know my dad, I know there's more. I don't even know what to say to him, I feel my anger start to bubble up, he didn't even bother to let me know that he was coming? While I wait for him to build up to whatever he needs to say, I walk off to my room and drop my bag off. I come back into the room, after taking a deep breath, and face him again.

"I met someone," he says and my eyes widen.

"Oh," I say. Shock probably evident on my face.

"I met her while working, we're on the same committee," he says and I nod slowly, trying to take all of it in.

"That's great. I'm happy for you," I smile but it doesn't fully reach my eyes. It's been a little over a year since mom passed but I'm surprised he already moved on. I don't really know what to do with him around. I haven't seen him in so long he feels almost like a stranger to me.

"I proposed," he says and I look over at him in shock, "and she said yes."

It's silent. I don't even know what to think let alone say. Proposed? This is the first time I'm hearing about this woman and he already proposed?

"Wow," I mutter. "Wow, that- that's something." It's silent again for a little and I look at him and see how jittery and on edge he is.

"I feel like there's something else you're not telling me," I say wearily and he exhales a long breath before looking up at the wall.

"We plan to get married soon, it'd be small," he starts. "She has two kids, much younger than you so I'll be spending a lot more time over there."

Panic rises in my chest. "So, are we moving again?" I ask nervously and feel my heart sink. I can't leave, I can't leave my friends, I can't leave Kusuo. I really like it here, I can't leave. I make up my mind to fight him on it. I've already lived here on my own for several months, I can just keep doing it, no problem.

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