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It's a bright and warm day so you decided to go for a walk in the park. You've been sitting a lot lately whether it's at school or at home so getting a little exercise especially on a nice day sounds like a good idea to you.

While walking, your mind wanders to Kusuo. You guys have been getting pretty close lately. Even if Kusuo doesn't want to admit it, we're pretty close friends since we go off of first-name bases and hang out a lot. While walking around the park you think about all the events that have occurred since you've moved here and met Kusuo. He sat with you when your dad canceled plans, he helps you with your homework, he made sure you were okay when you were tired from the sleepless night. Even if he acts nonchalant about everything, Kusuo really is a great person. Hanging out with him in your apartment, going to the festival, eating dinner with his family has really allowed you to see just how sweet and genuinely handsome he is all around. The more you think about it, the more you realize how you really feel about the pink-haired boy.

'Yeah. I definitely have a crush on Kusuo,' you decide. The conclusion makes your heart flutter. 'Too bad I have a fear of rejection so I guess I'll never do anything about it.'

You stop by the fountain and look at the water. Now that you are clear with your feelings, you know you cannot say anything to Kusuo about them. The idea of ruining your friendship over something as silly as a crush sounds terrifying. Kusuo seems emotionally disconnected so you doubt he'd even want a relationship. You take a coin out of your purse and close your eyes.

'Whoever is listening, maybe my guardian angel,' you start in your head, 'Please guide me on the right path, and bless me with the power to not be stupid,' You finish and flip the coin into the fountain. After the fun ritual, you continue your walk. A few minutes pass and you look ahead and see Kusuo walking in your direction.

"Speak of the devil," you say to yourself. As you get closer to each other, you raise your hand about your head and wave it around, effectively getting his attention. But as soon as you make eye contact, Kusuo does a 180 and walks back in the direction he came. You stop walking and stand there in shock. 

'What a little asshole.' Honestly a little offended that he would completely ignore you but you won't let him get away that easily so you run after him. When you get close enough you latch on to his arm.

"What the hell, Kusuo," you begin to scold him, "I know you saw me, you twat."

He looks down at you with a sigh and attempts to pull his arm away but you tighten your grip. You continue to go off at him for how inconsiderate and rude he is when you look up to see him looking around somewhat frantically, completely ignoring your outburst. Normally, this would make you even angrier but you get get a feeling that something is wrong.

"Hey, are you okay?" You say and let go of his arm "You seem a little...tense."

He nods but continues to look around, almost like he's missing something. You look down at his outfit to see him in a blue sweater and khaki jeans. You don't understand how he can be wearing something so heavy when it's so nice out but then again it's Kusuo.

"Wanna go to the café? I can probably get you some coffee jelly?" You suggest hoping to calm his sudden nerves.

"No, let's go to my house," he responds and you look at him in astonishment.

"Okay where is Kusuo and what did you do with him," you state "because Kusuo would never decline coffee jelly."

"Yeah yeah whatever, let's go." He says and starts to walk off towards his house, after standing there for a second you decide to follow, still confused. The walk is silent with him being a few steps ahead of you but Kusuo still looks around occasionally.

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