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I wake up to the smell of bacon and tiredly lift my head to look at the clock. It's almost 1 in the afternoon. I get up from my bed with my head pounding and go out to the kitchen to see Kusuo's mom.

"Kurumi?" I question, my voice sounding like someone else. She turns her head quickly and rushes over, enveloping me in a tight hug.

"Hi honey," she says and I pull away after a while.

"What happened? Where's Kusuo?" I ask confused. She walks back over to the frying pan and gives the eggs a stir.

"He had to go to school. He called me last night saying he was staying here since you weren't feeling well."

I nod at her statement and find my heart to feel less heavy. He stayed?

"Okay food's ready!" She exclaims and places a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me with a glass of water. She sits down too and she drinks some orange juice. I stare at the food for a little before deciding that I should probably distract myself from how horrible everything hurts.

I finish eating, even though it look a while, and put my plate in the sink before walking back over to Kurumi who is still sitting at the table. I make my way back over and sit with her again.

"Would you like to talk about it?" She asks softly. I sigh and look off to the side to stop tears from welling up in my eyes.

"I don't think I can right now." I shakily reply and Kurumi just reaches over and holds my hand in hers.

"Of course dear, that's no problem." She informs before getting up and cleaning the kitchen. I sit in the chair for a while just thinking about the events that transpired the day before and inhale deeply.

"Wanna come with me to town? I want to grab some things and maybe after we can get our nails done!" She exclaims while walking back over to the table.

I nod, getting out of the apartment is probably the best idea and I go change into something less depressing. Then, once I feel as ready as I can, we head out. We do some errands that consist of grocery shopping and dropping some things off at the bank which doesn't take long before we head over to the nail salon. After she drops the groceries off in her car, we start our walk to the salon.

"Ku never tells me anything," Kurumi says. "So I don't want to assume but you guys seem pretty close."

Just the thought of Kusuo puts a smile on my face. "Yeah, we're actually dating. Have been for almost two weeks now."

"What? Really! Oh my gosh, I am going to have a talk with him later," she pouts.

"Sorry you had to hear it from me. But it's pretty new so maybe he just wanted to wait until we were together for longer."

"Maybe," she says with a small smile. "I figured that something was up though, especially when he called me last night. He rarely if ever asks me for help and he sounded very frantic, said he didn't know what to do. He really cares about you."

I feel my cheeks go red but I can't stop the grin that inches its way on my face. It feels a little weird talking to my boyfriend's mom about this but it's nice to hear that he was worried. It makes me fall for him even more.

Spending time with Kurumi makes me forget about some of the hurt that I feel in my heart and I really appreciate it. Every time I have come over to their house she is always happy to see me and is genuinely interested in what I have going on in my life. We walk out of the nail salon with our nails painted and make our way back towards my apartment.

"Thank you," I say while looking over at Kurumi.

"Of course hun, this was so fun! I haven't gone to get my nails done with another girl in SO long! We need to do it again sometime," she exclaims and I smile at her attitude.

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