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Second-person pov 

You arrive at school after the weekend feeling refreshed. You finished your homework earlier than you thought which gave you time to relax and watch some anime. You finally were able to catch up on all your subjects which gives you some peace of mind knowing that you won't have to worry about that anymore. Once you walk into the building and change shoes, someone bumps into you causing you to stumble a little. You're turn around to give them a piece of your mind but you stop yourself when you see a white-haired kid with red bandages on his arm, completely red from embarrassment.

"I am so sorry! I did not mean to bump into you! I wasn't looking where I was going. Oh my gosh are you okay, I am so sorry-" He rambles while still blushing like crazy.

You laugh, your irritation fading away, "It's okay, no harm done." He looks at you unsure but nods anyway.

"I'm Jet Black Wings but you can call me Kaido, we are in the same class," he says. His complexion cooling off slightly. You raise your eyebrows slightly at the weird name but move on anyway.

"Oh right! I knew you looked familiar," you answer. He nods and as Kaido is about to say something else a big dude with a wacky hairstyle puts his hand on his shoulder.

"What's up Kaido," he says. Kaido shakes off his arm in annoyance at the interruption and looks towards you again.

"I was talking to L/n," Kaido says with a light blush.

"Oooh, you're the new girl. Nice to meet ya, I'm Nendo," he says.

"Hi, you're in our class too right?" You ask, already knowing the answer. This guy is very hard to miss. 

"Yup," he replies. The bell rings signaling it's time to get to class. You decide to wait for them to change shoes then make your way to the classroom. Kaido is very grateful that you waited and once Nendo is set, which for some reason takes way longer than you would think, you all head to the class. 

"L/n do you want to come with us to a Ramen shop after school?" Nendo asks, "It's really good."

You all climb the stairs and you smile to yourself at the offer. People are asking you to hang out? Already? 

"Um sure, would it be okay if I ask Yumehara and Mera if they want to come too?" You reply a giddy feeling flows through your veins, making you feel light on your feet.

"Yeah, more the merrier!" Nendo says and continues to gush about how delicious this new place is. Kaido yells at Nendo and says if it's anything like the last place they went then he will kill him, whatever that means. Nendo puts a hand on Kaido's shoulder in reassurance and Kaido pushes it off of him like it's poisonous. You laugh to yourself at their interesting friendship. Once you guys get to class, you break away from Kaido and Nendo and head over to Mera who is eating an apple while talking to Yumehara.

"Hey guys," You say with a small wave.

"Hey!" They both say cheerily at you.

"Nendo asked me to come with him and Kaido to a ramen shop after school today, would you guys like to come?" Yumehara agrees instantly and gets excited while Mera shakes her head.

"Sorry I can't, I have to work tonight," she says, taking a large bite out of her apple.

"Darn! We'll catch you next time then," you respond. The teacher enters the class and you make your way to your desk. Saiki is already sitting down and you give him a small smile before facing the front. Classes continue normally and finally, it's the end of the day. You find Yumehara and you both walk out to the front of the school to see Nendo and Kaido along with Saiki.

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