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Your POV

It's Wednesday evening and I'm sitting at my dining table going over trig functions when I decide I should take a break. I get up from my seat and stretch, resulting in my back making a satisfying cracking noise. I walk lazily to the kitchen and grab a glass of water and my thoughts wander to Kusuo. Nothing much has been said about our kiss at the dance. I know that he has to have some type of feelings for me but I can't help but feel that maybe it was just the adrenaline that made him kiss me. I felt quite bold on Monday when I kissed him on the cheek but we haven't talked about that either. I'm wondering if maybe Kusuo doesn't want to be in a relationship. I mean, he has a ton of responsibility when it comes to his powers. How would he have time for someone as plain as me? I don't want to be THAT girl but I can't help but think: what are we? I'm pulled from my thoughts when my phone starts ringing. I look at the contact to see Kurumi, Kusuo's mom.

"Hello?" I say answering the phone.

"Hi y/n would you mind coming over? Ku isn't coming out of his room and I'm hoping you could help," she says, worry laced in her voice.

"Yeah of course! I'll be right over," I say while frantically putting on my shoes. He won't come out of his room? I wonder if I have something to do with his powers.

"Thank you, sweetie," she says. I hang up and lock my apartment and descend the stairs two at a time. After a tiring jog, I get to their house as quickly as I could and ring the doorbell. Mr. Saiki opens the door and lets me inside.

"I don't know what the problem is, he won't talk to us," Kurumi says.

"Okay, I'll go check on him," I say trying to comfort her. I make my way up the stairs and lightly knock on his door.

"Kusuo?" I call out, "it's me, are you okay?" I hear some shuffling in the room but he doesn't answer.

"Ku?" I say trying again. "If you don't answer, I'm coming in." Again I'm met with silence so I decided to go in.

"Okay, I'm coming in," I say, and as soon as I open the door and step inside, Kusuo's hand wraps around my waist, and with the other, he covers my eyes.

"Woah what the hell," I say startled. I move my hands to my face so my fingers rest on top of his. He's pressed close behind me and I have to fight the urge to lean backward closer to him.

"My glasses broke so if you look at me, you'll turn to stone," he says.

"Okay I won't, you don't need to be so dramatic," I respond.

He slowly removes his hands and I hear him step off to the side. When I open my eyes, I see his room is completely trashed. Papers, gadgets, books, and games are thrown all over the place. His clothes and blankets are mixed into the mess, resulting in his floor being completely covered with not a single clean space.

"Kusuo, what happened?" I ask while staring around his room, it was such a mess. He sighs and begins shuffling around, trying to move his way around all the clutter.

"I woke up from my nap and my powers were going crazy. A part of my antenna was malfunctioning so I had to fix it but in the process, I completely destroyed my room AND broke my glasses," he mutters. "It's a miracle nothing outside of this room was trashed."

"Seems like you've had a rough evening," I say quietly and I don't even have to look over at him to know that he nodded.

"Okay, let's get started," I say rubbing my hands together and start going around the room.

"What?" Kusuo questions.

"Your room. I think if we sort everything into piles it'll be easier to manage," I say as I grab a pile of his clothes and put them on his bed. I'll fold them later, I think right now I should focus on getting things off the floor.

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