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I find myself back in that room. The smell of antiseptic and bleach fills my nose as I look at my mom; frail and pale on the hospital bed. The only sound in the room is the beeping of the heart monitor and the whir of the ventilator.

Suddenly the monitor starts beeping loudly and the rate of my mom's heart begins to rapidly decrease. I watch in shock as the nurses and doctors rush into the room to attempt to stabilize her. I try to call out to my mom but my voice doesn't make a sound. A nurse pushes me out of the room and the next thing I know I'm at the funeral. I look to my left to see my dad. He stares at the casket where my mom lays, then looks over at me with dull eyes.

"This is all your fault," he says in a distorted tone.

"What?" I try to say but only air bubbles escape my mouth.

"This is all your fault," the priest says. The sentence contorting again.

"This is your fault," my aunts, uncles, and friends of my parents echo. It continues and I try to speak but nothing comes out. It feels like I'm drowning as more air escapes my mouth. The scene of the funeral disappears and I'm floating out at sea. The little boat I'm in rocks as ferocious waves crash over and over and over causing the boat to fill with water. I try to hold on to the sail but the rope is torn from my hand and I abruptly get thrown overboard. I sink underwater no matter how hard I try to swim to the surface. The words my father said echo in the water's darkness. It's my fault.

I open my eyes and sit up with a gasp, sweat drips down my forehead and my back. I try my best to calm my heart by taking deep breaths. I run my fingers through my disheveled hair and shut my eyes tightly, trying to shake that post-nightmare feeling.

"It was only a bad dream," I say to myself "It was only a dream."

I look at the clock and it reads 4 am. I get up and go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face. I change out of my now sweaty pajamas and put on clean ones. I decide trying to go back to sleep is pointless so I go out to the kitchen to make myself a coffee and some cereal then go and watch whatever is on. For some reason, that nightmare was especially rough. I usually have the same type of dream but this time, it felt so much more real. After watching the tv for a while, my alarm goes off signaling it being time for school. I sluggishly get dressed then eat another bowl of cereal. I hear a knock on the door which I open to reveal Kusuo.

He takes one look at my face, "you look horrible."

"Wow thanks Kusuo, that's so nice of you," I respond sarcastically while rolling my eyes. I push past him after locking the door behind me. I don't feel like talking so the walk is silent. I feel Kusuo glance at me every once in a while but he doesn't say anything. We arrive at school and as soon as we walk into the classroom, the teacher tells me I have to go to the office. I nod and set my bag down before heading over. Once I'm there, a boy with gray, undercut hair is standing there talking to the principal and I immediately recognize him. As I get closer, the boy gives me a once over before turning back to the principal, who tells me that the boy, Metori Saiko, is a new transfer student. Since I was the latest transfer, the principal wants me to show him around. This doesn't make any sense to me because I thought class reps do stuff like this but I don't feel like arguing about it so I accept the role. 

"Hi I'm y/n l/n," I say as we walk out of the office. He stops in his track and starts leafing through his wallet.

"Yeah whatever, here's some money for you to leave me alone," he says while trying to shove some bills in my face. "I'll relax here for a little bit, I don't care to be shown around."

Saiko is the heir to the top-notch Saiko Conglomerate. My father works for people like him so I know his most defining traits are being rich and being an asshole. As soon as he opened his mouth it proved my assumption.

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