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"We're home!" I shout to my empty apartment when Kusuo and I walk in through the door. I throw my bag and suitcase off to the side and walk to the couch and flop down on it, exhausted from the long travel day. I hear Kusuo close the door and move my bags so they're off to the side and neater.

'You can't just throw your stuff around,' he says.

"I don't care, I'm tired," I groan and I just know he rolls his eyes. I hear him moving around in the kitchen, probably checking to see if I have any coffee jelly so I get up and head over to the kitchen with him. I'm pretty sure there's not coffee jelly left but I don't want to burst his bubble so I don't say anything.

As I walk through the dining room, I see some mail on the ground that must've been pushed through my mail slot while I was gone. I pick the small pile up and sift through it. Most of them are just annoying college spam information that I'll just throw out but then, I get to a letter that is smaller and has my name written in pretty calligraphy.

'Is this finally my Hogwarts letter?' I laugh in my head. I open the letter and pull out the off-white card stock. I read over the words and my heart clenches. I move to my dining room table and sit down, throwing the other dumb letters across the table. I stare at the letter in my hand with a lot of emotions and I let out a long sigh. Kusuo makes his way back over and sees that I'm suddenly in a bad mood so he bends his head down to see what I'm looking at.

"It's a wedding invitation," I say quietly, "for my Dad."

It quiet. I don't know what to feel. Is this invite supposed to add more salt to the wound? Did he suddenly change his mind and decide I'm good enough to have back in his life again? I don't understand. Kusuo lightly takes the card out of my hands and looks at it himself. 

"It's next weekend," I mumble. "I honestly didn't think I'd even get invited."

Kusuo continues to look at the card and I keep my eyes focused down on my hands. I fidget my fingers and try not to think about the last time I saw him. I honestly forgot all about him and this wedding during the trip. Isn't it great? To come home to my main problem being thrown back in my face?

'What do you want to do?' He asks, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I sigh again.

"I don't know, I already feel drained just reading the invite," I say. My mind is being overrun with thoughts, I'm not sure what to make of this. Kusuo puts the letter-facedown on the table and moves the stray hairs that cover my face behind my ear. The simple gesture helps me relax a little. 

"What do you think I should do?" I ask, now looking up at him.

He's silent for a few seconds but eventually answers. 'Don't go. The way I've seen you treated by him makes me think he's a scumbag that has no idea how amazing you are,' he says while bending down and cupping my face in his hands. "But whatever you decide, I'll support you."

I nod and think about what he said. Kusuo is right, my dad hasn't done anything more than providing the bare minimum for me. But why would he invite me to the wedding when he said he wants nothing to do with me? I decide that it doesn't matter and make my decision.

"You're right. I won't go," I say and stand up. I move to the kitchen and throw the letter in the trash with the rest of the junk mail. I turn back over to Kusuo and give him a small smile to assure him that I'm okay with my choice. He continues to observe me, and he looks like he's about to say something but decides against it.

"You should probably head home, I'm sure your parents want to see you," I suggest and walk back over to him.

'Yeah probably,' he answers while wrapping his hands around my waist. 'You can come if you want.'

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