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I walk into class and follow Kusuo to our seats. As I sit down, Chiyo practically runs over to my desk. Before I can say hello, she drags me out of my seat and and pulls me towards the door. As I leave the classroom, I turn to look at Kusuo, who seems just as surprised as I am. I'm sure Kusuo notices my panic but simply shrugs his shoulders as I disappear out the door.

"Chiyo what are you doing?" I question once she's stops. We're in the hallway and once she lets go of my arm, she squeals but punches me in the arm. "Ow! What the heck?"

She ignores my pain. "I can't believe you didn't tell me that you and Saiki are official! I thought we were besties!"

Before I respond, Chisato comes out of the classroom and makes her way over to us. "Yeah! I can't believe you didn't tell us!"

I stare at them, eyebrows slightly raised. They are making this way to big of a deal. "Well, we made it official a few days ago so it's pretty new. We only went on our first date yesterday."

Chiyo practically jumps through the roof. "And you didn't call or text us after? What even are we?" She grabs my arm and shakes it frantically. "Tell us EVERYTHING!"

I laugh at her persistence but then realize a key piece of information is missing. "How'd you even know we're together?"

They both look at me, blank faced, then turn to each other before breaking out into fits of laughter. "Okay don't get mad," Chisato starts, which makes me feel like I'm gonna get mad. "But we heard it from Kaido."

Now I really raise my eyebrows. Kaido? Seriously?

"Yeah, when Chisato and I were hanging out yesterday, ya know, the day you said you were busy- which we will get to later, I can't believe you bailed on us-, Kaido texted me and said that you were cuddling up on Saiki and holding his hand during the movie and all that!"

"So," Chisato continues, "we asked Kaido to make sure and he saw you guys share a quick kiss as you left the theater! Ughh I'm so happy for you but also so irritated that you didn't tell us!"

I internally groan. "Sorry, next time I'll let you guys know I guess, and the movie wasn't supposed to be a group thing. We happened to run into some of the gang and they ended up sitting with us. Kusuo asked me to be his girlfriend on Saturday after exams. We didn't really talk about how private or public we want to be but I think Ku would prefer it stay more on the down low."

"Aww! You have a nickname for him! That's so cute! Does he have one for you?" Chiyo asks, clapping her hands together excitedly. They both already seem over the fact that I didn't mention anything to them so that's good, at least. I'll make sure to have a talk with Ku on what he's okay with and not when it comes to our relationship. I know he likes to keep to himself, ya know, keep the spotlight off of him and I don't mind if we stay minimal when it comes to PDA. I know how he feels about me and he's a lot more comfortable around me in private so in the end, it's okay. I don't need him to be all over me all the time to know how much he cares.

"No he doesn't have a nickname for me but that's besides the point. You had Kaido spy on us?"

"But only out of love from our hearts, we were too curious not to know! We're sorry!" Chiyo says and smothers me in a hug. Chisato laughs at my obvious annoyance and joins in on the hug too, effectively trapping me in place. I try to playfully push them off of me but it doesn't work.

Connection (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now