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It's a Wednesday evening and I finally finished my homework, but now I'm bored out of my mind! After already watching some episodes of my current anime and playing some Mario Kart (obviously practicing more to beat Kusuo), I can't think of anything else to do. The boredom is slowly killing me. Usually, Kusuo would be over at least combating some of the boredom but he said he had to go home right after school because his mom needed help. He didn't elaborate so my guess was that it's personal or he just didn't know what the favor was. Nonetheless, a few hours have passed since school has been over so with a groan, and sit up off the couch. Deciding to text him to see if he was still busy. 

Y/n: Heyyyyyyyyy are you still busy or do you wanna hang?

As I wait for a response, I scroll up to our past conversations. I find it funny that he's just as dry in text as he is in person. The last conversation we had was after I sent him a meme of a guy backflipping and landing on his head after getting the wrong fast-food order. It wasn't necessarily funny but I sent it to him anyway with a text with it saying 'me.' He responded back pretty quickly like he normally does and was confused since it wasn't really me or whatever. So instead of typing a long explanation, I decided to call him. I think he was pretty startled since my phone rang for several seconds before he answered with a dull but somewhat curious hello.

"If I explain the meme to you, it won't be as funny but if you want me to I will." I start as I walked in circles around my dining room table. "Also hello."

He scoffs on the other end and I get the feeling he rolled his eyes. "You're calling me to ask if I wanted to listen to you talk even more?" 

I groan but a smile falls on my lips. "I need to educate you so you understand the culture. Don't be a stinker, I bet you secretly like to hear me talk." 

"Culture?" He asks, completely ignoring my last comment.

"Yeah, meme culture... it's a thing and it's something you need to learn or at the bare minimum, understand." 

"No thanks."



"That's not a reason why, Kusuo."

"Deal with it."

"You're no fun." I pout, stopping to look at the time. My shift starts in 20 minutes. 

"I know."

"Wha-," I start but laugh at his dryness. I try to stop my laughter but can't. It might be because I'm in one of those slap-happy moods or because I didn't sleep too well last night but regardless, after a few long seconds I finally stop with a long sigh.

"Are... are you good?" Kusuo asks, amusement in his voice. 

"Sorry sorry, it wasn't even that funny but I don't know it sorta was."

"Your humor must be broken."

I giggle again but it isn't as much as seconds ago. It's silent for a few beats and I sigh again. "Well, I have to go get ready for work but tomorrow, I'll show you the good funny stuff."

"Great... I'm SO looking forward to that." 

I smile but then remember he can't see, "I know you are, you don't need to hide it."

He snorts but doesn't say anything, which causes me to smile again. "Okay, I gotta go, see ya tomorrow, kay?"


"Bye Byeeeeeeeee." And with that, I hung up.

I look back down at my phone. Several minutes have past and normally Kusuo would've responded by now so I get off the couch and decide to see if he's not busy. If he is then I'll just go on a walk and if he isn't then that works too. I make my way over to his house and when I ring the doorbell, the door opens revealing a little green-haired boy.

"Oh hello," I say and crouch down so I'm eye level with him, "what's your name?" The boy doesn't respond but instead stares at me with his mouth open and in shock.

"Wow, it's really you!" He exclaims and I quirk an eyebrow in confusion. "You're Lemon Soda Woman! From my show!" He grabs my hand and starts shaking it. "First Cyborg Cider man #2, then Peach T-girl, now you! This is so awesome!" He gushes. Not wanting to ruin his excitement, I decide to play along despite have zero clues about what he's talking about.

"Yes... that's me, it's nice to meet you!" I say while shaking his small hand.

"My name is Iridatsu Yuuta!" When Yuuta finishes going on and on about your latest adventure, you look up to see Kusuo walking towards you guys. Yuuta turns around to see what you're looking at and then runs over to Kusuo excitedly.

"Cyborg Cider Man #2! Look who I found!" He says. Kusuo just nods and closes the door behind me after I sorta invite myself in.

"I came over to see if you wanted to hang out, but obviously you got your hands full," I say with a small laugh.

"Babysitting duty. Neighbor," Kusuo simply states and goes to follow Yuuta as he runs towards the living room. I take off my shoes and follow them. Once I reach the living room, I see Yuuta watching TV and Saiki sitting on the couch looking very annoyed.

"I'm guessing this is not how you wanted your Wednesday to go?" I say plopping down on the couch next to him.

"No." Kusuo sighs and he looks up at the ceiling then closes his eyes. Already not wanting to deal with his attitude and dramatics, I decide to look over at Yuuta and see that he is watching some superhero drink ad.

"Yuuta what are you watching?" I question. He turns around and makes a weird face at my comment. 

"It's the show that you're in," he says acting like it's obvious, "it's my favorite."

"I'm glad," I say, "so do Cyborg Cider Man #2 and Lemon Soda Woman know each other?"

"Of course you do, you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend," he says not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Oh," I say, "right." I find that to be a very strange and weird coincidence. I watch the screen and see that we both somewhat resemble the characters but it's not too close. In fact, Kusuo looks nothing like Cyborg Cider Man #2 so I wonder why Yuuta thinks that? I look over at Kusuo to already see him looking at me with his unreadable expression. For some reason, we both quickly look away.

"Cyborg Cider Man #2 and Peach T-girl were together but I didn't like her that much," he says now taking a break from the screen to grab his action figure of what looks like to be Cyborg Cider Man #2. I pick up one of the action figures on the table and take notice that it's probably a villain. 

"I'm going to get you!" I say in a deep voice, standing to chase a laughing Yuuta around the living room. Kusuo watches as I pick Yuuta up and swing him around playfully. Kusuo looks away when his stomach doing a weird flip but he decides to ignore the feeling again. I softly drop Yuuta onto the couch and begin tickling him as he screams cheerfully, squirming around trying to get out of my grip.

"I've got you now," I say. After a few more tickles, I finally stop and Yuuta slides off the couch, trying to catch his breath.

"That... was... so fun," he says in between breaths.

After Yuuta relaxes, you go back to playing with the action figures. Despite having no idea what the storyline is about, you can follow pretty well since it's pretty cliche and typical for a heroic story.

"Cyborg Cider Man #2!" Yuuta exclaims while grabbing onto Kusuo's hand, "play with us!"

Kusuo tries to shake Yuuta off but the boy holds tight. Kusuo looks over at me, slight panic in his eyes.

"Yeah you should play with us," I say and stare at Kusuo, finding his hesitancy hysterical. He looks in between me and Yuuta then lets out a long sigh.

"Fine," he quips and moves to sit on his knees. Yuuta jumps in the air excitedly and we both share a high-five at our success. Kusuo sends a glare my way and I smile innocently in return.

For the next little while, we play with Yuuta and talk about Cyborg Cider Man #2. Kusuo and I shared little glances here and there whenever Yuuta says something about our character's relationship but other than those strange, awkward moments, I think it was a pretty fun day. I haven't gotten to play with a little kid in forever so it was fun to mess around and act out episode scenes with him. 

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