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Even though your weekend started off on a bad note, you were able to salvage the rest by having a sleepover with Mera and Yumehara at your place like Saiki suggested. When you texted them, they responded back immediately and sounded very excited to hang out. Once they arrived, you guys talked for a while and ate some desserts then watched a few movies until you guys crashed at 3 am.

Then for the rest of Sunday, you went to the store and relaxed on your own. The big reason to go out was to shop for the apartment. You decided the other night that the place needed to warm up a bit and have it feel more like home. You bought some simple paintings for the walls and some green plants to add some life. You decide that you'll get some other things later but for now, these things will do. You also did some homework and binged several episodes of your current anime. Your heart still hurts from the whole situation but every time you think about that night, Saiki pops back into your head and you get a warm feeling in your stomach. It was very unexpected of him to do what he did, you thought, but regardless it helped a lot.

Now it's Monday morning and you are getting ready for school. After making sure you have all your books and homework you head towards the door. As soon as you open it, you see Saiki standing there with his hand out looking like he was about to knock.

"Oh! Hi Saiki," You say a little surprised, "What're you doing here?" He puts his arm down and turns to walk back down the stairs.

"Let's go, we're running late now," he answers monotonously. You stand there a little confused but you lock the door and follow him anyway. After several minutes of walking in silence, you decide to try to conversate.

"So did you have a good weekend?" He nods and keeps looking ahead.

"Did... you do anything fun?" You ask him, attempting to get him to talk but all he does is shrug.

'Cool that's great Saiki, sounds really awesome,' you think sarcastically. You walk in silence again for a bit until you decide to try again.

"Do you like to play video games?" He nods again, "What type is your favorite?" When you think you finally got him to talk with a specific question that you're sure he'll answer, he just shrugs! Still looking ahead acting like you're not walking beside him.

"Can you do anything other than nod or shrug your shoulders?" You say, now annoyed. He looks over at you and you realize that you said that out loud. You kick a pebble in your path and decide that you meant what you said. You're not surprised when he doesn't say anything so you send him a glare.

"Well do you?" You say again. At this point, you were hoping that he would at least be a little more comfortable around you. Even if things may be a little awkward between you guys from Friday night, he shouldn't have to be an asshole and ignore you.

"I like adventure and strategy games I guess," he says somewhat agitated, looking ahead again. You race your eyebrows but smile anyway, knowing that you just bullied him into talking.

"That's cool, I went to the store yesterday and picked up a few games for my console, I got some like that. Do you wanna come over after school?" You ask and he looks ahead again, seeming to think about the offer. Saiki knew if you both just went home after school, he'd have to deal with his dad wanting him to finish making furniture and he almost rolls his eyes at the hypothetical. He could go home and play his own games but remembers that he completed everything that he could, even the secret levels so he would just be sitting around doing nothing anyway. 

"Sure," he says as you both arrive on campus. You follow him to the classroom and you both sit down.

"Okay sounds good!" You reply and face forward as class starts. The school day went by relatively fast since a lot of the lessons consisted of practice and regular work. Once the bell rang, you walked out the front doors with Saiki and after a few minutes, made it to your apartment. You unlock the door and kick off your shoes, making your way over to the kitchen. 

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