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Your POV

It's now Monday and I walk into class behind Kusuo. On the night of the dance, I asked if he wanted to leave early and go to eat somewhere. I didn't really feel the need to join the others and I had the feeling Kusuo didn't either. We successfully snuck out and ended up getting some ice cream from a vendor at the park. We walked around the park for a while and ended up sitting down on a bench. The atmosphere surrounding us was warm and I never felt more at ease while sitting next to him, laughing about how nervous Kaido was when asking Chiyo to the dance. After we finished our ice cream, he walked me home and that was it. The rest of the night I thought about the dance, the kisses, the adrenaline. I couldn't believe that happened and I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen now between Kusuo and I. This morning, he picked me up like usual, and now we're here.

I follow Kusuo down the row to get to our desk, I look over at Chiyo and send her a small wave. While I'm distracted, Kusuo suddenly stops in his tracks and I run right into his back.

"Hey don't stop so fast," I say rubbing my nose. He looks back at me and gives me a look while trying to hide my desk. I arch an eyebrow and stand there puzzled.

"Can I get to my desk, please?" I question, not sure what he's trying to do. He shakes his head and moves closer so more of his body is hiding my desk from view.

"Move over," I say lightheartedly, successfully nudging him out of the way. My stomach drops when I look down at the wood surface. It's completely covered in mean words and names. Some are bolded and circles while others are written in different colors. I let out a sigh and sit down, crossing my arms over my desk to attempt to cover the words. Teruhashi makes her way over and stops to stand in front of my desk.

"Oh no y/n! Your desk!" She exclaims, "that's horrible." I glare up at her and she has a ghost of a smirk on her face that no one else could see. "We need to find whoever is responsible for this."

"No it's fine," I begin while keeping my glare, "whoever wrote this is probably just a jealous, insecure little troll."

Her face contorts for a second before going back to normal. "Right...I'm sure that's it," she mutters and walks off back to her seat.

'It was Teruhashi,' Kusuo says telepathically now sitting down behind me.

"Yeah, I figured," I say with a sigh, I try not to look at the words but it's hard not to and I feel my self-esteem start to drain away.

'I'm so over this crap,' I think.'I will not let some jerk like Teruhashi get away with something so preschool.'

The class goes on and I make it through, I tell Kusuo that I'm going to try and clean it off during lunch and that he can head to the cafeteria. He's hesitant at first but after a lot of persistence and telling him I'll be okay,  he walks out of the room. I grab some Clorox wipes from the supply closet and head back into the room to start scrubbing when I see Teruhashi leaning against my desk.

"What do you want Teruhashi," I glare at her.

"I just want to help!" She responds.

"Cut the bullshit, I know you did this so there's no point in hiding it. No one is around," I demand, and after I say that, she drops her perfect girl smile and replaces it with a devious smirk.

"Yeah, it was me," She reveals and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"Why are you so pressed that I'm friends with Kusuo," I start getting right to the point, "I know that's what this is about."

She stiffens in shock before relaxing again. "I just think you should back off," She says. "I saw you two leave the dance together and I think you're getting a little too close." I roll my eyes at this childish drama, it's almost comical.

"You just want to get with him because he's the only one who doesn't bow at your feet," I announce "He's not stupid, he knows what you really are." I cross my arms overmy chest and look down at her shocked expression.

"You bitch!" She shrieks "I am the prettiest and most perfect girl around. He will admit that he likes me eventually. He has to, it's impossible to resist me."

"Okay... good luck with that," I scoff and go to begin wiping down my desk.

"You're just jealous that other boys don't worship you as they do to me," she snarls, "no one will ever like you more than me because you're ugly and worth nothing!"

I turn to her and get in her face, causing her to back up a few steps. "I know my worth and you don't get to decide that for me. Now run along before I decide to end this like I did with Saiko."

She huffs and stomps out of the room. The adrenaline rushes through me and I feel pretty damn good knowing that I finally put that big fake in her place. But despite that, tear form in my eyes as I stare at my desk. I know I shouldn't believe these things or anything that Teruhashi said to me but it's still hard to ignore. I take a few deep breaths and continue to scrub off my desk until it's completely rid of any marks or words. Satisfied with my work, I head downstairs to the lunchroom.

As I head down the stairs, I spot Hairo walking the hallway carrying two big boxes, one on top of the other. He hears footsteps and turns his head to see me.

"Hey y/n," he says cheerfully, setting the boxes down.

"Hi, what're you doing?" I ask him.

"Just doing some things as the class rep. Nothing too hard," He says with a smile.

"That's good," I reply and as I'm about to be on my way, Hairo calls out to me.

"Sorry about the other night..." Hairo says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I wasn't a very good date."

"It's okay," I say assuringly "In all honesty, I wasn't a good date either."

He nods and goes back over to the boxes. "I'm glad Saiki was able to step in my place, you two seem to match a lot better," He says, picking the boxes up, and turning to me again. "Well I'll be off, I just wanted to clear things up. I'll see ya!"

"Yeah, see ya," I say with a wave before turning and walking towards the lunchroom. I take note of what Hairo said and I'm glad that there weren't any hard feelings. As I enter, I make my way over to the usual table to see everyone either talking rather loudly or eating peacefully.

Teruhashi is there and she looks at me as I sit down next to Kusuo. "Were you able to clean off your desk?" She asks with that fake sweet tone.

"Yep! It's all gone," I say with a smile, staring her down.

"Glad to hear!" She responds and looks down at her salad, stabbing her fork harshly at some lettuce. I begin eating my lunch and listen to whatever Kaido and Nendo are going on about when Kusuo pokes my arm and places my favorite dessert in front of me. I look down at it in shock and smile.

'I went and got it when you were in the classroom,' he telepathically says. 'I feel like I was somewhat responsible... sorry," I look over at him and grin. My heart fills with gratitude at his simple gesture.

"Thanks Ku, it means a lot," I say and kiss his cheek softly. After I pull away, I swear I see a pink blush cover his cheeks before it disappears just as quickly as it came. I look back to Teruhashi whose looking at me with a forced smile. I lock eyes with hers in a staredown, silently challenging her to do something. She stands up and with a huff, walks away while I smirk in victory.

"What's her deal?" Chiyo asks.

"I don't know, I think she had to go to the bathroom or something," I state and the others at the table nod their heads before going back to the conversation.

'That was... intense,' Kusuo tells me, I smile and take a bite of the dessert, the sweet melting in my mouth.

"You're telling me," I sigh.

Connection (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt